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Everything posted by TimKleffner

  1. that is either medium brown or Sheridan brown Fiebings antique Most likely med brown I also dye in my background with mahogany spirit dye Happy Tooling Tim
  2. Hi Ya'll Just a post to show some of the work this past year. Since retiring from the day job and leather full time ... more will come Happy tooling Tim
  3. Hi Ya I checked your site and nice holsters! Have you tried to oil and lacquer your holster? I have found that if I lacquer holsters, I need to thin it a bit with lacquer thinner. All the finishes may be dry to the touch within 8 hrs, but as you have found each of the finishes require time to cure. Where are you located at? I'm down in south TX. Due to the humidity down here, I let my items rest [cure] in the A/C for a couple days prior to packing and shipping GOOD WORK Tim
  4. Howdy here's my idea on burnishing edges. I have sanding drums of different sizes and sand paper grits. I start with course and end with a pass of medium grit. I take a wool dauber and burn it down till it's small ball [smaller is better ] then knock off all the burn; I then use dark brown [ or any color you want ] color in till you get even coverage. Then another dauber [little bigger] I take Neat-Lac and cover. Let it dry [about 5 minutes] then take a course piece of canvas and rub it several times and it burnishes up nicely. After an hour to dry, sometimes, I take the 'fine' sanding paper out and sand a second pass, sand lightly, then apply color and lacquer again. This is also similar to fine cabinet lacquering technique ... multiple layers with time to dry in between give a nice build up of color and finish. Like everything else...... practice on some scrap... I try to keep my daubers semi wet when doing the process Good luck ......Happy Tooling Tim
  5. Hi Bob you've got that whole thing going on! I'm glad I got to see your work.
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