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About AndyBates

  • Birthday 09/24/1964

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Hexham, Northumberland, UK
  • Interests
    Leatherwork of all kinds. Traditional crafts. History and archaeology. karate and hillwalking. Survival techniques.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Traditional, handstitched, English leatherwork. Historical replicas. Moulded leather.
  • Interested in learning about
    Anything I don't know about!

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  1. Thanks, that's really nice1 Drop in any time if you're over here. All the best, Andy
  2. Hi guys, there's a nice feature on us in the Newcastle Journal today; please have a read! Hope you enjoy it! Andy Newcastle Journal Feature Andy Bates Leatherwork
  3. Hi guys, I've just completed writing an 18,000 word paper on the subject of the manufacture and use of leather in Hexham, UK, (my hometown) from 3000 BC to the present taking in neolithic brain tanning, the Romans and Celts, the Anglo-Saxons, Medieval Gilds, the 'Border Reivers', early modern tanning methods, the death of the trade in the C19th due to the French (!) and its resurrection in the C21st. If anyone would like a copy do let me know (am.bates@btinternet.com, www.andy-bates.co.uk). Thanks! Andy
  4. Hi Mark and welcome from another UK leatherworker. There are lots of resources here in the UK. Let me know if you need any pointers. All the best, Andy
  5. Hi Odin, Thanks! Yeah, it's done with a No.8 pricking iron and it's an interpretation of a C7th blade found at Bamburgh Castle (the plainer version is on display in the castle museum). The sheath decoration is taken from contemporary metalwork.
  6. AndyBates

    Knives and Sheaths

    Knives made or modified by me with sheaths and my construction, usually wet-moulded and welted.
  7. Wow, that's fantastic! And what a great and talented guy Luke sounds. Thought you might like to see this about use here in the UK.http://www.hexhamcourant.co.uk/news/business/apprentice-rob-keeps-the-craft-of-leatherwork-alive-1.924383?referrerPath=home/2.3307 And here's some photos of the workshop here in Hexham, UK. All the best, Andy.
  8. Welcome to another Englishman! Lots of useful stuff here!
  9. Hi and welcome from the UK. Can I make a suggestion re the gussets, based on the experience of making similar mistakes? Mark where your gusset wants to start and finish on the back piece (clearly, equal distances from the bottom). Cut the gusset slightly too long and glue it to the back piece between the two marks. Cut off any excess at the second mark (this technique gives you a margin for error). Then stitch between the two marks. Then attach the front piece as follows; glue one side only in place, starting at one top corner, then stitch this side. Then glue the other side in place, again starting at the top corner, and stitch this side also. If you've got rounded corners, do these without gluing them in place as this makes positioning easier. This should leave you with both sides and bottom corners of the front piece stitched to the gusset. You can then apply glue to the bottom of the gusset and the front piece and pull and press them together such that they meet evenly with no rucks in the leather. Then stitch this last part of the seam. This technique ensures that the gusset is in exact alignment with both front and back pieces and that the leather of the gusset is distributed evenly on both sides and along the bottom. Happy stitching! Andy
  10. Hi Greybeard, really sorry about your dog; that's never easy to deal with. No, you'll not be out of your depth at all, just ask! If I can be of any help at all with anything, get in touch. All the best, Andy My link
  11. Hi Helen, good to have another Brit here! There are some great people here who are really helpful. Good luck with all your leatherworking projects and Merry Xmas! Andy My link
  12. Hi Oz, good to hear from you. I'm in Hexham UK and if I can help with anything, let me know. We need to keep our skills alive! You could certainly give me some tips about rolling my own thread as this is something I've not done as yet. All the best, Andy My link
  13. Hi Martin, welcome to leatherwork! I'm in Hexham in the UK and if I can be of any help at all get in touch any time through my website http://www.andy-bates.co.uk . All the best, Andy
  14. Here's some photos of a slightly contraversial bag I made recently for the UK Turner Prize winning potter Grayson Perry; his design, my manufacture. Hope it's not too rude! Any comments? Thanks, Andy
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