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Everything posted by CLH

  1. CLH

    Don King Stamps

    Looking for some Don King tools. Any out there for sale? haverty1@yahoo.com Thanks, Clint Haverty
  2. CLH

    Don King Bargrounders

    Still looking for a set of 27 or 25 Don King bar grounders. haverty1@verizon.net
  3. Even your squares up,you may have to add more strings or go ahead and make it over and under three. If your knots big at the top come on down until you think it will fill in and if you need to fill in the large end go back up and pair and come down and split pairs and go on down and finish the knot in ,Clint Haverty Even your squares up,you may have to add more strings or go ahead and make it over and under three. If your knots big at the top come on down until you think it will fill in and if you need to fill in the large end go back up and pair and come down and split pairs and go on down and finish the knot in ,Clint Haverty
  4. Looking for a set of 27s or 25s bar grounders, Clint Haverty haverty1@verizon.net
  5. Have you any Don King stamps left? Thanks, Clint Haverty

  6. Have you any Don King stamps left? Thanks, Clint Haverty

  7. Email meEnrique, Where can one get your books? I would like to buy them if it's possible Thanks Clint Haverty
  8. Hello Enrique, Very nice work. I would like to meet you some time. I live 45 miles north of Dallas in the town of Krum. Contavt me by e mail and we'll get together, Thanks Clint Haverty
  9. Alan, Count me in, Thanks Clint Haverty
  10. Hello and good luck. Rawhide braiding is a real neat thing to learn. Try khww.net for some knot tutorials etc Bill Conafer at Herford by Products in Herford ,Texas for rawhide. Jay Adcock 620-725-3302 maybe , for a little instruction.TCAA auction at the end of September at the Cowboy Hall Of Fame in OKC . There will be a lot of good hands there and it's a treat to see some great work. I don't know your skill level or where you're at in your journey but you need to learn some skills required for this art. U Braid it .com has some nice books along with the Encyclopedia of Rawhide Braiding by Bruce Grant. Good Luck, Clint Haverty
  11. Hello, Do you still have the saddle making videos? Thanks Clint Haverty
  12. Hello All, I worked for Cletus for about 6 years in the late 60's and into the mid seventies when he was in Smithton , Ill. The saddle was probably made by Price when he was up there. If you would post a picture I could tell you if he made it or not. Benny Veach also made some saddles for Cletus around that time. When I worked for him we would have 750 plus in the summer time on hand and around 450 in the winter time.Ship at least a simi load a week and recive the same. Some days we would have dealers come in and I'd sort the pasture geldings and we'd show them ,in and by. Ride them for about 3 or 4 minutes apeice. Some were alittle juicey. We had anywhere from 50 to 150 mares and geldings on full feed under some big sheds,2yr and up,fat slick and were sure broncy. We kept about 80 in stalls,reiners,cutters , ropers,pleasure horses,etc.We had kids come in to work,go to lunch and would never be seen again. Just about every trainer who's 50 past has been influnced by Cletus one way or another. He was a good man. Sorry if I got side tracked, Thanks Clint Haverty
  13. Hello RWB, everything is looking better. Looks like you're getting a little more comfortable with your work. Some thing that has helped me,From Clint Fay and from J. Watt is this, lightly scribe 2 concintric circles,about 3/16" apart. Than cut your out side of your circle first,ignore the inside lines until you're completly done on the out side. Remember to bring your leaf lines to the outside circle only,make them long and flowing. Than start at your flower stem and do your inside lines,again bringing your lines into the inside circle,long and flowing. You'll find by cutting like this your circles will be pretty and your stems even. After a while ,a hundred saddles'you'll only have to draw 1 circle. Hope that helps,Clint Haverty
  14. Need wider lace,or go o4/u4 or more bytes on your foundation knot. On your foundation knot, don'nt tighten it so tight and it'll stay down. hope this helps. Clint Haverty
  15. Hello, I'm always looking for Don King stamps. Thanks Clint Haverty
  16. CLH

    Bosal progress

    Looks like you have the" Ol Rawhide Fever" Looks really good. Clint Haverty
  17. Mega Bit, You're really starting to do well. Nice string. Clint Haverty
  18. Try google ing Don Leson saddles, He makes some really nice saddles,also BoBs Saddles. You should be able to see the differance. Merry Christmas Clint Haverty
  19. Hello and Merry Christmas Ash, Would you please e-mail me the spread sheet to. M y address is haverty1@verizon.net thanks Clint Haverty
  20. Hello Bob, Who built your saddle stand and what did it cost? Thanks Clint Haverty
  21. CLH

    Help Turn back

    Megabit, Something you may want to do on your nose button is ,when you get done with your first knot, and turn back, you look down your lines and have her straight, well ,try to move it over i/2 bight to the left. Do this on any long knot because when you start to tighten it will creep around.Thats how Nate get's his so digustinley straight. Also ,doin't make your first knot really tite,just lightly snug. Otherwise you'll pull it up over the ends as you put in your pairs and split them. Hope this helps some one, Clint Haverty
  22. I'm looking for Jeremiah Watts videos,saddlle,engraving and bit making. Thanks Clint Haverty
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