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Everything posted by chouinardragon

  1. Hi, Is Elton out of town? Any one receives the edge slicker? Chris
  2. Is the stainless steel knife easy to sharpen? Chris
  3. Hello Rawhide, I checked the website http://www.ringelcustomknives.com/ They mostly makes hoof knives for the farriers as you can tell from that website. So, I wrote to ask if he had made this knife and he said he had made few of it in the past 12 year. Chris
  4. Hi, I have an old 8" CS Osborne #84 splitter. I probably need a spare blade. How much do you ask for the 8" blade? Chris
  5. Thank you guys. I also made a beeswax cake for edging. It's much easier to melt paraffin than rosin. Chris
  6. Hello, Does the 3 cord thread go well with the small project like wallet and card holder? For 3 cord thread, uses #2 or #3 needle? The bigger the thread number is, the larger it is? The bigger the needle number is, the smaller it is? Anyone have a chart for the best use of needle size and thread number? Thank you. Chris
  7. Hello, I tried the beeswax cake yesterday following the 6:4 of bee wax and pine rosin. But the pine rosin did not melt thoroughly and stuck on the bottom of pot. Here's what I got this morning. I will try the edge wax tonight. Chris
  8. What I can google is beewax : rosin = 8 : 1, the higher proportion the beewax is,the harder beeswax cake is. Is it correct?
  9. Hi, I'm going to buy some Irish Barbour linen thread which I want to use on small projects, like wallet and card holder. But I'm confused about the sizes of Irish Barbour linen thread. 3/18 or 3/25? What sizes will you suggest? And the needle sizes? Any input would be appreciated. Chris
  10. Hello, Is there anyone willing to share how to make beeswax cake? Any input would be appreciated. Chris
  11. Hello Elton, I would like one of these without steel shaft. PM sent. Thanks Chris
  12. I'll try it today ... There're few old Osborne punches needed to sharpen ...
  13. Hi, My English point strap end cutter is dull, so I youtube for some tutorial. Though I didn't find it but I found this. Hope you guys enjoy it and tell me how to sharpen my English point strap end cutter. Chris
  14. Hi, I just received a keystone splitter which doesn't mark any maker's mark, but there's marked 84 on the blade. Don't know if it's an Osborne #84. Okay,after cleaning it up, everything works great. I can pull the handle down and push it up easily, but I have to push harder when it goes over 90 degree,after that,it gets stuck. There seems to be something wrong, it shouldn't be that way. But why? Pictures as attached. one is mine,another is a #84 I googled. Any input would be appreciated. Chris
  15. Alright, open offer~
  16. Hi, Attached is the photo of the antique CS Osborne #8 pricking wheel. The wheel is changeable with a screw. Thank you! Chris
  17. Hi, I have some hand tools I don't need. 1) Ron'ts #3 round bottom edger with rod,brand new,never used. I bought new for about $90. sale for $80 2) Vintage CS Osborne revolving punch,Newark NJ,very good condition. $70 3) Old Craft tool edger set #1~5, #1 has a little chip on the tip,still works good. $35 4) Bouncer,made by Norm,brand new,never used. I bought new for $65. sale for $55 5) Vintage CS Osborne #8 pricking wheel,but shank marked #4, wheel plays, brass lose,but still works very good. $25 All items plus shipping cost. Thank you. Chris
  18. Hi, I want an old CS Osborne box carriage with pricking wheels. Thank you! Chris
  19. Hi, I mean the spade-shaped creaser. People said it's used for creasing leather into folds or accentuating folds around a horn. Does it mean if I want to fold a leather, I can use a tickler on the flash side of leather to crease, so I can fold the leather easily?? Any input would be appreciated. Chris
  20. Hi, Anyone wants to part with a No.12 Gomph or Osborne overstitch wheel? Thanks! Chris
  21. Hi, Here's the tool that cuts the holes for "Lift-the-dot". Chris
  22. Hi, It looks like to use on making holes on fabric for this kind of snap that Scovill makes. It's called "lift-the-dot". (picture attached is from Scovill) You can find it on some old Military stuffs. Chris
  23. Hi Dany, Thank you. I admire that you can make tools yourself. It's kind of easy to get leather tools in Taiwan. But I do love "everything" that made in the USA, such as jeans,shoes,boots,backpacks...of course, leather tools. Attach photo: Click the "Click To Attach Files" icon, search for the photo you want to attach. I don't know how to insert photo either. Chris
  24. Bruce, I just won a old splitter on eBay, looks like a CS Osborne #84, not sure. Please ID it when I receive it. Here's the old splitter listing on eBay now. I just checked eBay, the Randall seems not a kreb style. Sorry about that. http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-Leather-Working-Skiver-Machine-Tool-Old-Cobbler_W0QQitemZ330423109253QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item4ceec08685#ht_500wt_975 Osborne #85 http://cgi.ebay.com/C-S-OSBORNE-CO-VINTAGE-LEATHER-SPLITTER-85_W0QQitemZ200461405897QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item2eac6e4ec9#ht_500wt_975 Chris
  25. Hi, Check out eBay, there's an old CS Osborne #85 & Randell kreb style splitter. Chris
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