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Everything posted by chouinardragon

  1. hey Jim Okay, i think there is no short cuts or any tricks. "persevere and practice and practice and practice" Chris
  2. Hi Jim, Thank you. I can't maintain my posture while sewing. I was thinking if I stabbed the awl not vertically to the leather. Sometimes I can have the stitches on the back straight, but the stitches seem overlapping. see attached picture. Is it because that I stabbed the awl blade kind of downward? Chris thank you guys for all the inputs. i guess all i need is practice.
  3. Hi, I am practicing sewing with #12 pricking wheel. I can't get straight stitch on the back. Any tips? Chris
  4. It makes sense, CW. I found I don't run my awl through in the precisely straight horizontal position. This causes my stitches lay unevenly. I think there is only one way to get over it - practice, practice and practice. I still want to know where do you guys place the point of the awl blade on the mark? up,down or middle? Chris
  5. Hello Kevin, Where do you place the point of the awl of the mark? top, bottom or middle of the mark? This is the main reason that I can't keep the slots consistently on the back side. Chris
  6. Is it okay to us PP board? Chris
  7. Hello, Any one ever used Portmanteau Pricking Irons? How to position the thread and needle in the right place when stitching? Chris
  8. Check this http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=33120 Chris
  9. Hi guys, I saw a leather worker putting a tape and glass fiber reinforcement on the middle of two leather strap to make a belt. Where can I buy the tape and fiber reinforcement? And I saw another leather worker using a black reinforcement on the bag. What is it? Where to buy? Anyone knows? Pictures are attached. Chris
  10. I did glue the pieces together but only on the edge, not whole piece. I use the European style stitching clam and use No5 harness needle with 25/3 waxed linen thread. I mark with spacing wheels and punch with flatten diamond awl. it's easier to sew when the awl blade is sharp but is still not as firm as I sew on veg tan leather.
  11. Hi I was trying to make a tote bag or something. It's kind of difficult to sew by hand. The leather I got is attached. The flash side is floppy.
  12. Yes, they come with two sharpening rods. $150 for two, $20 for shipping to the US. Chris Yes, I still have them, I think I have two or three available. Chris
  13. Wow, I've never heard of using beeswax cake as the backing. Thanks, Dan. I will try this first. Chris
  14. Thank you,Kevin. Yeah, I am thinking to get a cork for sewing. It seems a good idea. Chris
  15. Thanks,Kevin. I will try it later. In Asia, many leatherworkers stab all the holes at one time and they all make good stitches. Thank you. Chris
  16. Hello, Is the diamond awl from Vergez Blanchard? Would you mind telling me where to buy it? Chris
  17. Hi all, As we know the pricking iron mark impressed like /. I normally crease a line and place the pricking iron below the line, not on the middle of the crease line. That is because the oblique teeth is too small for me to place it on the middle of the line. While I use an sharp point awl, I don't know where to place the awl on the marks to make the slots equally front and back of leather. Do you guys have any tips while use an awl stabbing the pricking iron marks. Thanks!! Chris
  18. Thanks,bootsmt. I will try to back the leather with the lining leather. Let's see if it is easier with the lining leather. Thanks,man. Chris
  19. Thanks,Lois. I glued them first then sewed and it was not as stiff as I sew veg tanned hide. I could not keep the awl even on the back side. it's sloppy. Is it because my awl blade not sharp enough? Chris
  20. Hello, I bought a piece of soft leather(nubuck?) in 3oz thickness and it's difficult to sew by hand stitch. I was told that when sewing on soft leather, people usually put a layer between two soft leather. What is that layer? Leather or something else? Thank you. Chris
  21. Hello, Do you know where can I get the Blanchard's awl except it's website?
  22. James, I don't think so. All of the Hermes products are hand-stitched, from leather accessories to Birkin bags. You can google it and see if I am right. Chris
  23. Hello, Sorry for bothering. I read many articles you wrote on pricking irons. I think you should know more things about them more than we do. I have #7,8 and 10 pricking irons. I am confused on which pricking irons should I use when stitch on different thickness leather. The stitches look differently on different thickness leather. And the thread size will slightly changes the apparance of stitches,too. Also, my stitches on the back is kind of overlap, not like the front . Why? Is it ecause of the knot or the awl blade is tapered that makes the cut in two different sizes? So confused. I would like to know the relationships between pricking iron numbers , thread size and leather thickness, if you have any idea. I'd like to make the stitches as beautiful as Hermes does. BTW, it is said that the Dixon's pricking iron angle is different than Blanchard's, is it true? Chris
  24. I have #7,8 and 10 pricking irons. I am confused on which pricking irons should I use when stitch on different thickness leather. The stitches look differently on different thickness leather. And the thread size will slightly changes the apparance of stitches,too. Also, my stitches on the back is kind of overlap, not like the front \ \ \ \ \. Why? Is it ecause of the knot or the awl blade is tapered that makes the cut in two different sizes? So confused. I would like to know the relationships between pricking iron numbers , thread size and leather thickness, if anyone knows. I'd like to make the stitches as beautiful as Hermes does. BTW, it is said that the Dixon's pricking iron angle is different than Blanchard's, is it true? Chris
  25. Hello Jim Saddler, Thank you. I'd like to see your round awl and pricking irons and your stitching tutorial. I wish I could fly to Australia immediately to help you to hold the camera... Chris
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