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  1. Thanks guys, your replies give me a couple of more options. I will try the Pro Carve and the listerine to see if I can hold off the mold in the future. In the mean time I have rubbed down my cased leather with Isopropyl alcohol and it seems to have stopped the mold growth. As an answer to the same plastic bag question-Yes I am using the same plastic bag and unfortunately don't have another to substitute. I am traveling right now and it is not convenient for me to get some new ones. But, in the future I will remember that possible cause for the continued mold growth. Just read a post on casing leather and some one there mentioned the use of water, lexol and baby shampoo. This is exactly what my friend Pete Gorrell recommends and I have used it in the past without getting any mold. Just couldn't use it this time around. I have to be real careful because I don't often have the time to tool on consequtive days and get the work done quickly. Thanks again, Larry Vroom Sun City, Arizona
  2. When doing a leather project I often find that I don't have the time to complete the tooling in successive days. So, after casing and partial tooling I store my project in a sealed plastic bag. Sometimes I don't have the time to get back to it for several days and when I do it has spots of mold on it. I have tried storing the sealed plastic bag in the refrigerator, but this does not seem to make any difference. Still have growing mold. 1. How do I prevent this from happening?? 2. How do I clean the mold off, stop its growth and prevent it from continuing to grow?? I am currently trying to salvage a project and I have tried two applications of vinegar. First, a weak solution and secondly a stronger solution, then storing it in a sealed plastic bag over night. This didn't seem to help at all. I have now wiped it down with a isopropyl alcohol solution and I have returned it to the sealed plastic bag. I know that I can stop or prevent the mold growth by letting the leather dry out, but I have been told that multiple casings and re wetting cause the leather to stiffen, dry out and make it extremely hard to cut and tool. Any help out there????
  3. Kevin, How about more detail of the way that you form the pockets. I am somewhat confused. Larry Vroom
  4. Website that you gave (www. leathercraft-lace.com) didn't help and I can't find them on the Net, any suggestions. Are you still buying wallet inserts from them??? Do they have a catalog since there is no website.
  5. Wiz, Where can I read your article??? I am a member of a Leather Craft Club here in Sun City, AZ. We have a Singer 29 U172A and no one seems to know enough about the machine to be able to make it work well or know what kind and thickness of leather it is capable of sewing. Can you help??? Larry Vroom 623-594-6591 larryvroom@cox.net
  6. I belong to a Leathercraft Club in Sun City, AZ. We have a Singer 29 U172A that no one seems to know how to work very well. Do you have any suggestions about someone who might give us a tutorial on how to adjust and operate it satisfactorily. Larry Vroom 623-594-6591 larryvroom@cox.net
  7. A dilute wash of oxalic acid, I think, will work. Tandy used to sell (maybe still doe) a little bag of the power that you would mix with water. Good luck...

  8. I have just cased a piece of leather and begun to carve with my swivel knife and I notice spots on the leather that look like the beginning of mold growth. I have experience this before and it ruined the piece of work. Is there anyway to stop the growth and/or eliminate it????????? Help!!!
  9. Where on the site can I get help with the problem of mold growth on a freshly cased piece that I have just started to carve???? Help Name: Larry Vroom UserName: Vroom IP Address: Email Address: larryvroom@cox.net
  10. This looks like the "Pioneer Handbag Kit" #44342 which I happen to be working on at the present time. The top part of the gusset looks a little different than the one I have, but on the surface the rest of it looks pretty similar. I would thing you ought to be able to find plans through Tandy or if really at an impasse I might be able to copy and email you a set from my kit. Good luck!!
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