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Everything posted by albert

  1. Hi Ray Just wanted to say fantastic display theres a lot of work and money in that tent one observation i have found is i hand out busines cards like confetti at a wedding they seem to bring in more buiseness than flyers i supose they slip into a pocket for later ref
  2. Make my first batch of vinegaroo good result but how do you get rid of the smell of vinegar
  3. albert

    Dog Lead Handle

    Hi Spence thank you for that and i know what you mean regarding short cuts an unfortunate choice of words when you put someones Dog on the end of a piece of equipment that you have made you need to be confident that it is right
  4. albert

    Dog Lead Handle

    Having never done this before and looked at numerous photos i have a question when making a dog Lead is it permisable to back splice to produce the handle and eyeat other end for the trigger hook all the ones i look at seem to have a fancy knot and look very time comsuming and difficulte i am looking for the easy way
  5. Hi i get my chain from a company called F Martin & Son in Wallsall England and they are very helpfull will do specials and one offs phone 01922 624666
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