When you have the second needle halfway thru, pull the first thread back a little. If you've stuck the thread it will show up and it can be corrected easily.
I agree with Scary on this. I find royalwoods 7 cord to be a good choice for belts/ holsters/sheaths etc. Tandys 6 cord, for me, seems to look like a bulkier thread.
What you are looking for is called a "frustum" of a cone.
You might have to read through these links once or twice before it makes sense.
I know I had to and yes, my head exploded a few times the first time I tried it.
Here are a few frustrum pattern development links :
Here's a link to a free download of a book for pattern development:
OR....You could just get some brown wrapping paper and start cutting until you get it right. Either way works :-)
Hope this helps...
OK, so I lied....well maybe it was just a case of old timers disease and I got my infantry divisions mixed up. This was the symbol of the 45th ID until about 1935 when the symbol became so associated with the N.S.D.A.P. The 45th then adopted the thunderbird design and continues to use it today as a Nation Guard Infantry Brigade.
A variation of this was used by the 3rd Infantry Division up until WWII when they switched to the diagonal blue and white stripes. The 3rd ID's badge had the "legs" facing in the opposite direction.
Also used by a number of American Indian tribes as a good luck symbol.
Is there a limit of one edit per post? I have a post in the for sale section that I'd like to change but I don't have an "edit" button available.
This would be my second edit to this post.
Still available, $180 plus shipping. Shipping will be around $60 Min because of the size of the box.
FTF if you are anywhere around me (NE OHIO) is possible.
I need to get rid of this!
Trades ideas let me know.
I could use a roller creaser if you have an extra.