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  1. Does anyone know a good source for j-hooks, or any other clip system for tuckable IWB holsters? Preferably in black AND brown? Thanks!
  2. Thanks for your reply. I'll give them a call and see what they say.
  3. Hi All, I got some dark brown "pull-up" leather from Tandy recently, and love the look of it. It has a great "vintage" look, and is very flexible (will fold back on itself easily) for Ipad cases and journal covers. However, it seems as though it is very prone to color transfer. I made a bag out of it, and it sained my pants from rubbing against them... Is this just a Tandy quality problem, or a problem associated with this type of leather in general? Do you have any recommendation of where I can find something similar, without the color bleeding problem, in BLACK? I can only find it at Zack White under "oil-tanned", but they specifically call the brown colors "pull-up" leather, and the black colors "oil tanned." Would that be the same stuff? THANKS for the help
  4. Thanks for the compliments. Roo4u, is an English point just the triangular shaped tip? I did these with a machine. I have hand stitched leads before, but only a few times, too much stitching... I just got my machine recently and this has been good practice.
  5. I had some time off Of work the last couple days, so I was able to finally get some shop time in. I wanted to make a few Christmas gifts. Everybody in my family owns and loves dogs, so these collar/lead combos make good presents. (Sorry for the cell phone pics...). I'd get some bulldogs to model them, but mine don't pose real well for the camera, lol. Most people seem to appreciate handmade gifts better than store bought ones, at least that's what they tell me to my face :D merry Christmas!
  6. I need to put a new buckle on an old belt without removing the stitching. I can cut the old buckle off, if there was a threaded buckle to replace it with (like the small ones you see for watch straps). Has anyone seen something like this? I need a 1.5" buckle at least, so fairly large... THANKS.
  7. Man, that is absolutely gorgeous work! I cannot imagine how much time/effort went into this piece, but it is outstanding to say the least. Beautiful.
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