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joseph dixon

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About joseph dixon

  • Rank
  • Birthday 09/15/1910

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Walsall england
  • Interests
    Leather working Tools

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Leather Tools
  • Interested in learning about
    Leather Tools
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. Love your work do you sell them
  2. My family have been making round knives & head knives for over 160 years Leather workers knives Round knives are the traditional saddlers knife, their curved shape providing greater manoeuvrability and cutting power. The larger sizes are for heavier work. Head knife is suitable for more awkward work, where the round knife will not fit in. It is particularly suitable for cutting circles or tight curves. Some saddlers use head knife in preference to the round knife Double head knife has its blade further from the handle than the round knife, giving it more manoeuvrability than the head knife. Bridle cutters knife the long blade of the bridle cutters knife helps keep it straight when cutting cheeks,etc. The curved end gives it the cutting power. French pattern knife is similar to the bridle cutters knife but smaller and has more edges. Paring knife in the saddlery trade are used for cutting thread and paring hard materials down instead of spoiling a best round or head knife. Fancy paring knife has the same uses as a paring knife but is heavier and can be used for skiving Shoemaker’s knife the general purpose shoemaker’s knife is good for cutting thread, string, etc Clicker knives are a shoemaker’s pattern makers tool and have a small, replaceable blade. Just thought you might like to take a look www.leather-tools.net
  3. there are a few photos on my site www.leather-tools.net you may like
  4. Please have a look at our website maybe this might help you a little www.leather-tools.net
  5. Happy birthday, keep up the good work. I would love to buy some of your fine tools.


  6. New agent in USA

    Booth and co

    9 main street

    P&O box 3232

    Peabody ma 01960

    978 531 3730 phone

    978 531 5962 fax


  7. New agent in USA

    Booth and co

    9 main street

    P&O box 3232

    Peabody ma 01960

    978 531 3730 phone

    978 531 5962 fax


  8. We have made leather tools since 1843 and over the yearshave made a few contacts so if any one needs any help and advice I’m more thanwilling to try where I can Also I love to hear about what you guys and girls are all upto Cheers Chris
  9. Thank you for you kind words I still find it amazing where our tools end up in the world Many thanks Chris
  10. Hi Johanna Always wanting to spread the word I’m very interested but still not quite finished the website yet so cant takepayment on line people can ring a order throw and we can take payment that way with credit cardas soon as I finished it I will have another look Many thanks Chris
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