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  • Leatherwork Specialty
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  1. I wish this forum had a thumbs up feature...nice job
  2. how much would one of those sell for?
  3. Welcome to the forum. I might visit you since I have to go to Pagossa for Archery Elk season this September.
  4. I am depressed looking at my own work compared to yours....its truly ART.
  5. I made this eyeglass case with a Marco Polo Sheep on it
  6. I must snatch the pebble from your hand....its a martial arts reference. Excellent work
  7. what stamps are those? awesome work
  8. guys I have tooled a Harley seat but I am having trouble fastening the seat underneath. The original seat was vynl yuck. And was fastened with staples. Please any ideas are welcome.
  9. I am new to motorcycle seats. Is there any reason why I CANT use chaps leather for a seat? The people at the leather store told me that chaps leather has oil in it and that was NOT good. I wanted to use it because it was cheaper that "motorcycle leather". ANy help or comments are appreciated. cazador1022@yahoo.com
  10. Any way you copuld post a black and white PDF file of the design ?
  11. very nice work, I like the look. I looks like it is carved out of one solid piece of oak.
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