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    Stitching and lacing

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    still to choose
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    Everything, not greedy just got the bug.
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  1. Hi LoneWolf1973, The Al Stohlman pattern was the inspiration/starting point for the templates I posted above. Love the original pattern but I found I had to tweak the hole positioning a bit. Definitely worth the effort though due to success selling both the original purses in two sizes and the cards one too. They are a great canvas for personalising with stamps and carving. So great practice pieces with the relatively small amount of leather involved. Hell I can gush about these patterns all day. Two things have helped me when making them. 1 start stitching (or lacing?) in the middle of each of the runs. This is probably more complicated when lacing rather than stitching as it means you have to lace backwards for the second half. However when stitching it helps to keep the purse balanced as it comes together rather than the stitching pulling a side one way or the other. 2 if stitching rather than lacing make a loop of thread to pull the thread end back through the inside of the stitches to better secure the last stitch/knot.
  2. Hi All, I'm curious. Has anyone made use of these templates? How did you get on? Best wishes Gillian
  3. It's working now :-) Here they are. Hope they are useful. If anyone uses them and has time it would be great to hear how you got on. Best wishes. Gillian
  4. Funny you should ask SamB. I am at the moment battling with my computer to post the templates. for some reason Safari crashes when I try to, anyway i will persevere. I haven't got round to finishing a full pattern with instructions and want to share them. May have to make another topic.
  5. Les, Thanks for your response I'll contact them. Gary, Thanks for your response. I class bulk as 50+, Leather type - Veg tanned leather Would be various designs including backpack, over shoulder and smaller items like pencil cases. I'm in early days of prepping a kickstarter and am looking for outsourcing opportunities as one possible way to fulfil bigger order numbers quicker than just me making. Is this something you do or know about?
  6. Hello, I am looking for a UK based company that is able to fill a bulk order of a bag of my design. If you own such a company or know of one please email gillian@gillianurquhart.co.uk Look forward to hearing from you. Best Wishes Gillian
  7. Does anyone else have this trouble pricing things? I'm determined to get my head around it. This time I think I may have gone about this the wrong way though. I've now looked at pattern packs available and will set the price relative to them I think. SamB and 25b thanks for the feedback. Has helped get my head in the right place I think. I'll put up a post when I've drawn up the pattern with instructions to complete the pack. If anyone is interested in the pattern alone let me know. Happy Halloween everyone.
  8. Neither would I 25b. I just don't know how to price it so threw out a starting point. What would you pay? US$ 5 ? Good idea to start with US and convert from there. so US$5 £3.25 Euro 4.55 Aus$ 7
  9. What do you think of £5 so about 7 Euro , $7.70 US , $10.80 Australian ?
  10. Thanks SamB, It occurs to me i also need to keep in mind the exchange rate too.
  11. Have posted a question in the patterns forum. Have a good weekend everyone.

  12. Hi Everyone, I'm in need of some feedback. Last year I developed a purse inspired by the traditional quick change purse design. It is big enough and shaped to hold bank cards as well as notes and coins. It was the feature item of a successful kickstarter project I successfully ran last year. This year has had me unable to do leatherwork but I will be getting back to it in about 10 days when I plan on offering the purses again in the lead up to Christmas. What I am wondering is if I should also offer a pattern and instructions pack pdf download. This is where I'm needing feedback. Do you think there would be a market for such a thing? If so, what do you think I should I charge for such a pack? and/or Would any of you be interested in such a thing? If so at what price? Many thanks in advance. Hope you all have a great weekend. Cheers Gillian
  13. Big smlies as returning to leatherwokr after a forced break of nearly a year

    1. Macrdhu


      oops, the excitement is obviously getting to me - leatherwork

  14. Considering making dog collars and trying to decide wheather to reinforce them with some webbing i have. Any thoughts?

    1. Matt T

      Matt T

      Depends how big the collars are, and how strong the dogs will be. I would use at least 6oz for a small dog, and 9-10oz latigo for bigger dogs. If they are pullers, then yes, reinforce them with webbing or use very thick leather.

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