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Everything posted by gesa

  1. Hi all, This is the largest picture that I carved so far. It is for a friend and I tried to draw his ideas..... not that easy, but it turned out well and he liked it a lot! :biggrin: Because of the flash the vikings are a bit blurry. I left it all natural, no finish or or other color. Gesa
  2. Hello all, This one was for a draft horse XXL, they wanted to change the buckles later, that's why I used chicago screws. I prefer sewn in buckles. This is a halter for my horse, it is completly handsewn with 6 stitches per inch. The white lace is alum tanned.
  3. gesa


    Hello all, my name is Gesa Thieszen, and I live in Hannover, Germany. I am saddlemaker for almost 10 years now. I work full time for www.passier.com along with about 60 others. There I make bridles, girths and halters ( not saddles). At home I make tooles and carved purses, wallets and horse tack....a bit of everything. Gesa
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