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lonesome dove

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Posts posted by lonesome dove

  1. There is a list of publications (many of which will be out of print) that appeared in the Sep/Oct 1991 issue of the LCSJ. I would scan it but I am sure "the journal" owns the copyrite. Just a "heads up" for those that have issues that go back that far.

    "Lonesome Dove"

  2. Greetings to everyone on the board.

    I have been doing leathercraft off and on since 1995. I worked in the music business several years ago and primarily made custom guitar straps as a sideline.

    Haven't done much the last few years as a job change keeps me traveling quite a bit.

    Looking for inspiration to "jump start" the creative process, and to improve my skills.

    "Lonesome Dove"

    "Better to have it and not need it than it is to need it and not have it."

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