I've been debating the very same connundrum... I've recently completed a complete rebuild of a 1901 vintage 29-4, with the help of Bob's Advice and Parts [Thankx!] and presently have been trying to decide whether or not to re-paint. My machine similar to yours [runningwithsissors] was in need of some serious TLC, after not having been secured to the stand... it therefore I suspect took a "Tumble" and broke some number of the cast parts... Though thankfully only replaceable parts, while the actual head only suffered a number of dings and nicks to the finish... At any-rate, it is up and running at this point and I have been considering the very same situation... Repaint or No... I think for my purposes I'm going to leave it "Original" and just oil the machine up and keep it so.... I've got a bit of surface rust on the backside of the head, since I further suspect it was stored in a not so dry barn after its little tumble.... Which was quite evident when I rescued it...
I've posted a couple pics of my 29-4, and will post another one or two once I get the head remounted to the base and finish the "restoration...." The base it is currently buried out in my Garage, and not likely to be accessible for a couple weeks or until some of this new snow melts... But they don't need to look like the prettiest girl at the dance to knock out some repairs.... I've actually already completed a pair of moccasin sole replacements with mine... But as Bob was suggesting, if your going to be doing a full over-haul and then re-selling the machine... having it look the part will doubtless get more action than leaving it in the rough.... Although I've been watching them for some time on the auction sites, and note they seem to hold their value quite well.... pretty'd up or no, as long as they are in working order... Though I would seriously reconsider that decision myself, if I was able to get a complete set of repro decals to return it to its former state...
Enjoy your machine... I know that I'm already putting mine through its paces, learning the ins and outs of it... and thoroughly enjoying my "new" Patcher, which was a Craig's List Rescue and a fairly reasonable one at that...