Howdy everyone,
First off I would like to say that I have been braiding for a few years (have yet to make the jump to rawhide) and had I stumbled upon this forum like I did tonight a little earlier, it would have helped alot lol.
I was looking around and saw that a few of you use Floral Tape for building your nose button and heel knot foundations and was wondering if this was the norm or if anyone used anything different. In talking with Gail Hought, she said that she uses book binding tape but it is hard to find and recommended using Tarp tape, which worked well but not really what I was looking for. Also, I saw that there were multiple recommendations on cores for romal reins, and I had attempted to find leather belting before, but couldn't find it in lengths more than like 8 ft, let alone a spool, so I thought maybe you could use a good and heavy hide cut to your target width and run it through a rounder (maybe after beveling the edges before hand) but most of the rounders I have seen don't actually cut the leather into a circle, rather just try to turn a square into a circle and smooth the corners out a bit. Last question, I think that I saw in one of Grant's books he said that you can use a steel core for a bosal. Have any of you done this and if so, what was the actual core (I know it isn't a solid piece of steel, but rather some type of steel rope).
Thanks for your time and any help you can give. These are just some questions I have had bouncing around in my head for a while and really glad to finally find some people willing to give some good advice.
Have a good one,