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Everything posted by Joeg

  1. Art, Yes on the Cowboy Fast Draw. I assumed that anone who didn't recognize the acronym couldn't help me. I have a couple and I've made a couple. I was just looking for an existing pattern to correct some things I want to change. Today a lot is the same but a lot is different as well. The cylinder needs to turn freely, The trigger guard must rest on on the holster naturally. Both the Trigger and hammer are cut low and the center is cut just to the top of the cylynder. The holsters today will cant forward rather than backward to max of 20 degrees. The use metal is not legal under CFDA rules. Most CFDA shooters are shooting the new ruger vaquero or a colt or colt clone in a 4 3/4 or 5 1/2'" barrel. Actually if you are interested the specific alowable design parameters and dimensions for th gunleather are found on the CFDA website and the registration is free. By the way, we have number things in common, I also do custom knives for a hobby. Thanks for the comments.
  2. I am looking for a pattern, or a source for a pattern, for a CFDA compliant holster. I've done several that are adequate but I'd like to improve upon them. Any information would be welcome and most sincerely appreciated.
  3. Anet this is great work. I only wish I could work at that level.

  4. Don, Sorry, didn't see the post that you were not doing this anymore. My apologies and thanks anyway.
  5. I might be interested if they are affordable and can be shipped. This from another old guy. Thanks
  6. You don't happen to have a fast draw pattern for 1873 45lc? I'd be very appreciative. I have many others but I can't find a good fast draw template.
  7. Great looking holster. Nice Work. Ditto on the sharing the pattern reply.
  8. Denster, thanks for the input. I've read the requirements and I'm a member. I'm using rawhide in the fast draw holsters. I have several customers in CMSA who are insisting on metal liners and I'm seeing alot of makers advertising steel. I would appreciate any input on getting that level of of firmness in the fast draw holster. I am just doing my own so far but the results have been disappointing.
  9. DC, I appreciate your input. the Mounted action shooters and Cowboy fast draw clubs are getting into steel liners. I've been holdout, trying to stick with rawhide. Some of my customers are adamant about the metal. By the way I did check out your web site and found your work to be impressive. I also ran through s couple of your tutorials. Thanks a gain for your input.
  10. Does anyone have a source for the metal used as an intermediate liner in Fast Draw cowboy holsters. It's used to maintain the shape of the holster around the cylinder so the cylinder can turn freely during the draw. Any help would by appreciated by this old soldier.
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