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  • Gender
  • Location
    Up state NY
  • Interests
    leather, metal working, metal music, bikes, etc. etc. etc.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    laser cutting and marking leather
  • Interested in learning about
    everything leather
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  1. sorry to add to an older thread havent been on in a while. Yes there are draw backs to using a laser. Cost is a big one. The laser I use is a 350 watt galvo style laser and it cost about 225,000, but its like brand new on the market and we are one of a few to have one. You can see it in action here Our costs to use the machine are more than reasonable. Our labor rate is $120 an hr and I don't think that you will find any better than that anywhere. I use it to cut, and lightly mark out my tool lines then hand finish it. When I made the video of the machine I did a lot of leather marking and put it in there as well as other items. The edge does "soot up" but nothing plain ole water wont take care of. The Italian company that made the machine use it mostly for leather parts for shoes and such and they actually take the parts and have them dry cleaned. If anyone is interested in what would be needed on your end to get some work done by where I work at or most any reputable place for that matter I have a video detailing the basics of what you would have to do to get some work done. If anyone has any questions message me and I will try to help you out. Roy
  2. yeah we take outside jobs, and offer free programming, as do most shops
  3. Just noticed this posting. I work in a laser chop shop and program parts and run the machines. I program all my leather parts in cad then laser cut them out. I also use anther laser to mark my parts instead of using a ball stylus and tracing paper. I have several videos up of all our machines running on our company website, www.smidgensinc.com. If you go to the engraving and marking section of the website you will see a few videos. The first is called laser marking with the way. There are several different kinds of materials being run thru the machine. If any one is interested I can elaborate more on the process and what it is that I can and can't do with the array of machines I run. Roy
  4. Very nice! Looking at the seats you do gives me the motivation and inspiration to rip mine off and re do it! How did you get that nice gray? Is it acrylic?
  5. that is fine work there. Love that look!
  6. your work is fantastic!
  7. that is a very nice first attempt!
  8. Nice work!
  9. very very nice work there!
  10. Lol, Im not to sure what you mean by whopper jawed! I will lay em out flat next time around. The stitching holes believe it or not I laser cut into the leather really small, but i opened them up with an awl to get the diamond shape but i may have opened them up too much, it is something I am still practicing with. The lacing holes are just slits I laser cut into the leather they are like .094 long for 3/32 lace. I am in the process of changing all my .dxf drawings to have holes instead of the slits. I am a huge fan of constructive criticism so keep it coming! Roy
  11. That looks really nice. I like your style! I have a little trouble tooling out fonts, may I ask how you did that? Maybe im using a bevel thats too big or something. Other wise I really like it!
  12. Thanks a lot! Always looking for room for improvement though!
  13. Hey thanks for the advice. Ive been cutting slits in the designs for lace but I think that i wanna go to holes this time. Yeah I definatly need to lace in the corners more. I did the lace on the inside to cover my edge, as I am not sure how to have fabric and leather meet up for that shape I made, and havent figured out how to do a french roll. I dont have a sewing machine of any kind so thats out of the question also. Anyway thanks a lot for the imput!
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