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Everything posted by cjowett

  1. so Bruce, for making reins, straps, etc. would you take a latigo side and cut it into thin strips parallel to the straightest edge or would you make one really long strip cutting the circumfernce of the hide like you would to make rawhide lace and then cut that into shorter (7+ feet) strips and straighten them?
  2. Brain fart here - you would be correct, I meant cased. Thanks for the reply. I definitely have to get faster at layouts.
  3. Simple question: do you size the leather before you do the layout or after, just before you start to cut with the swivel knife? (for those who do the layout directly on the leather and not on tracing paper) I assumed (because the leather needs to be able to accept the markings of the tap-offs) that you would size before laying out but it takes me so long to do a simple dayplanner cover that the leather needs moisture several times before I finish the layout.
  4. All great feedback. Thanks folks.
  5. I used to be of the opinion that the shape of the fender would determine where the stirrup would sit relative to the seat pocket. If the stirrup leather came off the top of the fender on the back portion then the stirrup would be forward. If the stirrup leather came off the top more toward the front then the stirrup would be more under the rider. However now I'm realizing that the fender is just window dressing and that the stirrup leather makes a big loop from stirrup to the slot in the bars regardless of what shape fender you tack to it. So how then do you set a forward position stirrup for a reiner or cutter or anyone else who wants to sit a hard stop? I find my production roping saddles are suitable for standing up and roping and lead to very poor horsemanship.
  6. cjowett

    early works

    my first projects from the Tandy starter kit and slightly beyond
  7. From the album: early works

    © © leatherworker.net

  8. Thanks how deep should one be? I intend to sew saddle skirts it and can't imagine doing the ends since they'll be almost 30 inches apart.
  9. What site would that be? couldn't find one from google.
  10. I checked it out and Leather Art by F.O.Boyd at Tandy. The latter had too much of the basics for my needs. Main's book was a pretty good fit for where I am right now so I bought it. Some day maybe I'll be able to come up with my own designs looking at a flower but for now there's enough variety in what others have developed for me to use while I develop my carving skills. Thanks again.
  11. Thanks guys. This should be a good start.
  12. Can anyone recommend a book that details different flowers to use in flower and scroll work? Tandy had one that seems to have gone out of print and they have de-listed it. Wild roses are great but I like variety. Jeremiah Watt has done some really interesting flowers. I like his water lilies. I think daffodills would work equally well but I have no idea how to attack these things. An iris would make a great replacement for roses.
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