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Everything posted by cjowett

  1. Bowden have saddle kits available. I don't know how complete or easy they are to complete but he can check them out at http://www.saddletree.com/
  2. beautiful work with a nice array of flower types. Where/how did you learn to do your own layout/design? Can you make any recommendations?
  3. Very nice work. I assume that the layout is your own design. Where did you learn to do layout work? So far with the exception of a brief case I'm currently working on, I have taken published design work and adjusted it to fit my project. But I would like to know how to fill a space with floral and scroll work. I also need to improve my decorative cuts. Right now they look pretty random and don't do a lot to augment the carving.
  4. I only started carving leather because I have an interest in building a saddle someday and thought that it would be a waste of time and good leather not to make it look good. But now that I'm doing it I'm hooked.

  5. I downloaded Paul's free tutorials. Great information. I'm looking forward to my next project to see if I can take it to the next level.
  6. I have a question on back-grounding. How deep should it be? Is the intent to set it well back so the figures are almost in relief or are you just trying to rough the surface so it will take a dye or stain adding texture to the background? Similarly what is the intent with pear shading? This tutorial is very helpful and I think I can now get a good effect with scrolls but what am I trying to achieve when I move on to roses and oak leaves?
  7. Can anyone suggest exercises to help develop skills with a swivel knife? My stamping is progressing fairly decently but my knife cuts suck. I have a lot of trouble following the lines I've transfered and trouble keeping the knife perpendicular.
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