the cow it came from was an old dried up milk cow. there was very little fat on the hide and now that its hanging up it really looks like a great hde... the best out of all the ones I have done so far. I have already knocked my first reata out of the way, but there are several areas that i need to improve on, after watching Four Strands of Rawhide, my first one only ended up being about fourty feet long but this hide is twice as big as the angus calf i used for my last one. I have always heard that jerseys make the best reata, and i also have a jersey hide but it had more fat on it and it has a great big hip brand right in the way, I had intention to make a reata out of it until I got a hold of this holstien hide, and in my opinion the hostein is a better hide, and i don't think the alternating colors will efffect the reata at all, but i'm still fairly new at this reata braiding stuff, and any other advice would be great.