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Everything posted by Nightshade

  1. ISO binding attachments for a Cowboy 3200 and Juki DNU-1541S I've found that they exist but can't find where to buy them
  2. My Google-Fu is weak but is this the thread...
  3. Or do you mean the post that goes through the bobbin? With the presser foot plate off it looks like the hook isn't catching the bobbin thread
  4. Got the safety clutch reengaged. But still nothing. I'm not seeing the pin you're describing.
  5. Juki DNU1541S not picking up bobbin thread. I've cleaned the bobbin case and bobbin area. No wayward threads to bind. I had a dust in there but cleaned with brake cleaner and reoiled. I've tried changing bobbins and needles but no go. I didnt try to see anything crazy thick eventhough I have a box reducer. I did notice that sometimes the shaft doesnt turn along with the hand wheel. But if I manually turn the shaft it works. Is this the safety clutch of horrible legend?
  6. I know i need to get more experience with the machine. I'll give Bob a call later. I have projects that need doing. The Cowboy doesnt like upholstery leather and the leather doesnt like 207 thread
  7. I have the double wheel on my Cowboy 3200 and like how slow I can get it to run especially starting off. I'd never heard of a box reducer but it sounds like the hot set up for this. About what does it cost, as I have to order thread as well?
  8. Would adding a speed reducer to my Juki DNU 1541S be any benefit? I have the motor turned down to the lowest setting and need more control especially at start up.
  9. JLSleather, Shaka his eyes open! Is there any difference between pulls for metal or plastic teeth of similar size? OTB is having some fantastic sales on zipper tape and pulls.
  10. What is the size of the cutting area? What thickness will it cut?
  11. I saw his Etsy while trying to find a hand crank machine. Anyone have any recent leads on ones that aren't $900 shipped right out of China?
  12. Exactly. I have tools and have made minor repairs like replacing pills and teeth. I need to know how to match all the parts when ordering. I've always just bought complete zippers. Mods: if this isnt the correct place for this question, I'll move it.
  13. This my first time ordering zippers in bulk. What is the sorcery to know how match all the parts to make my own?
  14. Japanese inspired splinted arm guard for LARP. I need to make straps and the thumb loop
  15. Thanks. That looks like it. I just looked on the site but it didnt seem to be working. I'll try it later
  16. I picked up a double shoulder with a lot I bought. Its dyed thru black but the grain side is purple. I'd never seen stuff like that before, but honestly I never looked, if any one can point me in a direction thatd be great. If i can get in in brown or anything but purple itd be great for holsters and sheaths.
  17. JLSLeather, KISS principle is my usual go to. In this I'm certain I know next to nothing on the workings of the machine. Rather go on YouTube and really screw things up I'll ask ya'll.
  18. Sorry, I tired and frustrated last night. The machine was running fine then on the down stroke it stopped and the motor whined trying to get it to move. I checked to see if the needle was bent and it seems ok. I'm away from the shop but I'll get pix if they'll help.
  19. I have a Cowboy 3200 that wont stitch. I can move the hand wheel backwards but it just stops forward. No amount of force I want to try will make it go forward. I removed the boffin and retreaded the machine. I'm stumped... What needle and thread combination?
  20. I upgraded a machine I just bought from clutch to servo motor. Has anyone repurposed an old clutch motor and added a wood burnishing wheel?
  21. Wizcrafts, In your experience is 1/8 kydex the standard for saddlebags? Also I stink at forum searches. Do you know a link with info on a Singer 112w140? I wanted to get it cleaned and set up before putting it to upholstery/garment work. No one in my area works on industrial machines. It runs good now but was used to make collegiate swag, webbing belts keyfobs and such.
  22. Can I sew 1/8 kydex to 8/9oz leather with a Cowboy 3200? What needle and thread combination?
  23. Tagging for later
  24. I have a speed reducer on my Cowboy 3200 but for this machine I was looking for simple. The larger pulley sounds like a good idea. I'll ask when I have it serviced. It came from a shop that made collegiate swag like nylon belts with leather ends, keyfobs and such. I know it works double needle with cloth thread, it was set up for nylon keyfobs at the time, through 2 thicknesses of 4oz firm utility leather and single needle through 1 thickness of 9/10oz latigo with the clutch motor. As of now i only have $300, with servo motor, into the Singer. Probably have another $100 for the service. Sounds like a good deal to me, thoughts on that?
  25. I have a Singer 112w140 I bought for light garment and upholstery work. I am going to have the machine gone thru by a professional to make sure everything is good to go. I bought a Consew servo motor to replace the clutch motor. The motor and head both have about 2" pulleys. What else can I do to slow down the machine? What other tips and tricks are there with these machines? Any link and 1st hand experience would be great
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