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Happy Hooligan

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  1. I have an old United Kick Press double and I need the bottom insert pieces to hold the dies. Anyone have these?
  2. I recently picked up an Adler 30-1 but the bobbin winder was missing. Anyone have a used one for sale?
  3. I thought that also, but the stitch on the original looks more zig-zag than bonis fur?
  4. This is from a WWii B-2 Cap. What machine makes this zigzag with a double needle top? I get they sewed the two pieces together, but then they did this double top stitch with the zig zag on the bottom. ?
  5. Do you remember a 231-8 and a 35800 DR? I got them and would love to know their history. The 231 was missing it's feed dogs and foot.
  6. thanks, I'll try swapping the wires and see what I get.
  7. I have an older Singer clutch motor 105-125 volts 60 cycles HP 1/2 PH. 1 model 9-996196-03 and it's going the wrong way for the machine I have It also has a big singer transmitter instead of the usual on/off switch. It has three wires, red, black, white and they're attached to the red, black, white (with green on black) to the motor. How do I re-wire it to go in reverse? thanks!
  8. I had such a gap between the jaws I had to. I didn't think of wetting it. Did yours have that big a gap like line before you wet it? I'll do that if it would work as the extra piece make it more difficult to get the needle in if you're right on the edge....
  9. i'm currently at 10 and I'm waiting to hear I get my 11th... problem. Not at all. okay maybe a little.
  10. I had one for a while, I didn't get too much into it, but the owner before me sewed ladies shoes on it for years with the roller.
  11. I saw this old drawing of a Singer and thought of the original post...
  12. they can also ride in cars and talk on phones! It's not a fear of electricity or what's it's made but living a simple life. They don't use zippers either. I grew up as an "english" kid in an amish community. I visited a few harness shops as a kid and loved it. The ones I visited used mostly older machinery and I know they ran on a leather belt system, like they use too before... electricity.
  13. I'm getting my new 112 SV110 singer double needle going and it came with a wide double needle set up and I replaced it with a 1/4 dogs and needle holder. Now the hooks don't pick up the threads on the now closer needles. I noticed on the bottom of the machine there are two screws that the bobbins can move on and a gear that that two screws and looks like you unscrew it, slide it a bit towards the needle and then slide the bobbin holder till the hook hits the thread. Sound about right? Or is there an easier way? Thanks
  14. Heavy duty home domestic machine with a zig zag feature. I used it also for denim. http://losangeles.craigslist.org/sfv/hsh/3138273747.html
  15. Total agreement on the 15-91. I have 2 of them and use my 201 more as it's easier to load the bobbin. Basically the exact same machine except for the take up of the bobbin. I don't do a lot of leather on mine but do a lot of denim. 8 folds of it at times and might have to help it through the super thick stuff if I go slow... but it goes right through it. If you look a lot, you'll find a walking foot leather machine for cheap... (under 100) if you really look a lot. I also have 2 15-91's for sale and 306K....
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