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Everything posted by shakygreg

  1. From the album: Stuff

    © © leatherworker.net

  2. This is Texas! Its not supposed to be frozen.

    1. JWGlover


      thats the reason we live here

    2. JustKate


      Hey, even Hawaii gets frozen


  3. Hey Guys, I have been looking for patterns or instructions on how to make flip flops or sandals, but I haven't been very successful in finding anything. I would greatly appreciate any recources, patterns, tips, instructons or ttorials, etc. on how to make these things. i would appreciat any help at all. Thanks.
  4. For making gun holsters I would suggest getting dummy guns and learning about making your own patterns. That way you will have the most accurate fit. As far as knives....... If you are able to use the real knife for your sheath then you should, because you can't exactly buy "dummy knives".
  5. made a scissor sheath.

  6. Im not sure if it will help, but you might want to look into "Whip Plaiting". This link may help. It is a video on whip plaiting, which is similar to what you might be looking for. Shaky Greg
  7. Santa brought me some Tandy Leather money... Going shopping this week.

  8. This is really cool. They all came out looking nice. I think its cool how something so cool and simplistic can be made out of scrap leather. Being that key fobs are so small, it would be awesome if you could post a pattern of these. I would appreciate that alot. Thanks, Shaky Greg
  9. Tandy Leather Factory has many great instructional videos on different basic aspects of leathercraft. If you are interested in click the link.------------> TandyInstructionalVideos
  10. Watching Videos on tandyleatherfactory.com

  11. Thanks Alot! This is a really neat and simple design. I made this as a key fob in black and it looks awesome. -Shaky
  12. I made one from scratch. 4"diameter circle, and a 14"x7" rectangle.
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