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About acox4t4

  • Birthday 07/14/1967

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Salina Kansas
  • Interests
    horseback riding, fishing, camping-out, my pets are my family.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    hopefully will be braiding
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  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    online forums

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  1. Whow you all are good at motivating a person to try again. I've personally ruined 3 attempts. First by hanging out to dry and then scrape, bad idea to do that when fly's still flying -- maggot mess. Second time, two much lime turned it into a mushy mess, and third time not enough lime or didn't wait long enough but had in bucket with lime for close to two weeks and gave up. But have really been wanting to try the fourth attempt and you all have made me motivated enough to try. Thanks for all the time you take to help us out with answering questions and posting your pictures of the gear you make.
  2. There is also pictures and explanation of how to do it in the sticky notes at the top of this forum.
  3. Ok not far I tried to do the RIGHT things on 3 hides and they all became a big mess. I want your kind of luck
  4. Like it a lot !
  5. Sorry this will seem like a stupid question by some but Why are those not called romal reins?
  6. I agree with bucksnort would love to have that one pinned so that have it as a quick reference when needed, & its one that would help all that need help in the future. Good job on it.
  7. Nice Trade & cool key ring.
  8. Great work, & have loved the color of your hides.
  9. wish I could get the making of rawhide down, to expensive to buy outright for me. used roo for making some gear but rawhide is the old west style so thats what I want to learn. Great work on yours
  10. Sweet work
  11. cool, keep on learning Bernie would be a good one to show that to.
  12. I use Morgan they have always been very helpful with my order since I'm not a expert & don't know what to order or how much I would need. So been able to explain my project and they have given me suggestions on what to order and so far its been dead on.
  13. That was so cool watching those two videos, amazing. Thanks for posting that information.
  14. I have his book telling of this amazing husband / wife combo & their braiding work. The photos showing his work, telling his story is a great read, if you have not seen it yet check your library & pray they have it. I think anyone braiding hopes to someday be that good...
  15. acox4t4

    Knife Project

    Looks like that would be a tough braid since it had a pretty large taper from the top being wide, down to the narrow bottom yet. From what I see it came out great, work to be proud of for sure.
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