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About hannahrain

  • Birthday 09/09/1983

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  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    did a search on yahoo

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  1. Did you ever make any progress on the saddle? Debating on beginning my first one. Hannah
  2. I ride endurance in one and it's very comfortable right now I'm using it as is (with the hole in the middle) can't even feel it. I do plan to buy a merino sheepskin cover for it eventually, as I live in FL and like to ride in shorts.
  3. I've been interested in making a saddle for a while and if I enjoyed it and had a knack for it, I would pursue it as a career. I can't afford to start at the moment but am very much enjoying reading through the old threads and gaining many tips and such. I am a distance/endurance rider and would be interested in making western-ish endurance saddles or the calvary type...where would I need to look for a tree of this type? I've googled several times but with no luck Thanks! Hannah
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