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About utspanishmustang

  • Birthday 11/16/1983

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Northern Utah
  • Interests
    Spanish Mustangs, horse training, leather and rope tack, natural horsemanship

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  1. Here is a picture of my first attempt at the Sheridan style and yes, I did it on a Christmas present for my dad. Things got a little hairy, but I'm impressed for my first attempt. I have lots of little projects to practice on!
  2. I found some messenger bag patterns I like, but they aren't for leather. Could I use them as a guide anyway?
  3. Yes, I graduated with a degree in drafting/engineering technology. I had to do a senior project in order to graduate and this would have been perfect!
  4. I love this! I want to make one like for me. I love the leather you used. The same look and feel I'm going for
  5. Thank you very much! I have had those techniques kind of explained to me before but I really needed a true instructional and this is sooooo perfect! Thanks again!
  6. I need some help learning how to finish the edges of my leather. Is there a good tutorial or post on the forums that give a good description on this? A how-to for burnishing, sealing or coating edges, and what products to use along with what tools?
  7. Beautiful!!! Great ideas to get me started. I'm not skilled enough to carve and tool like that yet, but the basic shape is very doable I'm super excited to go experiment! Keep the ideas coming!
  8. Hey all, I'm looking for ideas for leather poppers to go on the end of lead ropes. I've seen the latigo leather kind that are weaved into each other but I would really like to find something unique and different. Ideas?!?!?!?!?
  9. Howdy and welcome, where in utah are you

  10. Hi, I'm from northern Utah and just started getting into leather work. I actually make my own rope horse tack and am now venturing into a mix of both as well as all leather tack. Here is a picture of my first set of slobber straps, very crude I know, but I think I may have potentail
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