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Everything posted by Patricia

  1. Thanks
  2. Made this pommel holster for cowboy mounted shooting. What do you think?
  3. Ya. I think I fixed it. Just getting the hang of this now.
  4. Just finished this guitar strap what do you think?
  5. That is awsome. Just what I was looking for. How long are the two side pieces that go up from the ring to the buckles?
  6. Thanks, I will try that.
  7. Patricia


    Thanks, Did you check out my Facebook page. How am I doing so far?
  8. Ok so that did not work. Had to use Facebook to log in again and I still do not know what my password is. ???
  9. Hello, I hope this is the place to get help? I have not been on the forum in a long time. And when I went to log on I could not remember my passward. I used Facebook to get logged in. So I wanted to go and reset my password but it seems I can not do that unless I know my old passward. I am afraid if I log out I will not be able to get back on. Nothing I do seems to be working. Can you help me. I also have a new e-mail address. I seems I was able to change that. I am going to try to log off and do what the e-mail told me to do. But if it dosn't work. You could e-mail me. Thanks Patty
  10. Patricia


    Hello, I am Patty from Wisconsin. I have been lerking on here for some time. I may have already done an introduction but I can't remember. It has been that long. So I have been doing this leather work thing for a few years now and have been selling most of my work. But it seems much like working with horses, the more I do it the more I have found that I don't know. And I have been working with horses my whole life. I am 50+ so if I really want to learn this and be good at it I better get busi. That is why I am here. I am hoping you all can help me along. As I have said, I have been selling a lot of my work and people seam to be very happy with it. But I am getting people asking me to do bigger and more envolved projects. I really want to do a good job of it. I seem to have the tooling part down pretty well. But I am really unsure about the dying and finishing. Maybe you can give me some help in that area. So here is a link to my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Sandy-Ridge-Leather/173395786012610 That is where I have been posting most of my work and where most people contact me to purchase items. Feel free to check it out and leave comments. Thanks Patty
  11. I am reading other posts and may be answering my own question but it looks like the die did not soak in very far. I should do a better job of cleaning before dying maybe? I want the item I am making to be soft and flexable. They are straps for a breast collar. What do you sugjest for dying finishing and conditioning for something like this.
  12. I don't know if this is where I am saposed to post this or not. But here goes. on some of my projects after I have finish them If I bend the leather the finish and the leather cracks. What is up with that. What am I doing wrong?
  13. I would love to see it.
  14. HI All! Well I have been working on my saddle. I cut all the pieces. I got the horn wraped and the swells. Now working in tooling the rest of the pieces. I was a little unsure about cutting the leather for the swells. I had a hard time getting the old piece to fatten out so I could use it for a pattern so I cut it really big and just cut off what I didn't need. I has a few goofs. I know where they are, But I guess that is to be expected for a first timer. I will see if I can get some putures to come up.
  15. OK, This is for my facebook page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Sandy-Ridge-Leather/173395786012610 It has the most pictures of Leather stuff This one is my photobucket http://s28.photobucket.com/albums/c249/patriciapotvin/ It has pictures of all kinds of stuff but there are some leather pics there too.
  16. Well I have a facebook page and photobucket albums with lots of pictures on them but I don't know if posting links is allowed.
  17. I can picture that in my mind.
  18. I have been busy doing leather stuff for xmas gifts. Here are some pics. One is a rifle sling one is a guitar strap one is a wallet and one is a photo album.
  19. OK I am trying it now.... That Worked:thumbsup: Thanks for the tip. This is a picture of a rifle sling I was working on. I know was off topic but I had to try that photo up load thing. Anyway back to the saddle project. I don't expect to get back to it untill after Xmas but I will be posting pics.
  20. I would love to see your pics too. I was just trying to post to photo bucket and it isn't working for me today. There must be a better way:You_Rock_Emoticon:
  21. COOL!
  22. I will try. I am still on dial up if you can beleive that, and posting pics to photobucket and then to the forum is so time consuming. And rite now I am trying to get all these Xmas gifts done. I will post some pics of them in the bragging section. lol lol
  23. Hello Saddlebag, Nice to meet you. Well the picture dosn't show it very well but the leather on this saddle was in pretty bad shape. So most of it I plan to replace. I enjoy doing the tooling most of all so I am excited to do my own design on it. I havn't had much time to work on it these days. I have been working on a lot of other small projects. But I did get The Stholman Encyclopedia of Saddle Making Volume Two. It was the one the gal at the Tandy store recomended for the project I was working on. And now that I have the saddle pretty much striped down to the bare tree I have to prepare the tree. On page 242 they say that the tree is covered with a heavy varnish to make it water proof. This tree now has a lot of nail and screw holes on it. Not going to be very water proof any more. I was just wandering if anyone out there could recomend something to recover it with that would be like whatever was on it before. Can I just go to the hardware store and get some varnish and paint it on? Oh and while I had the tree striped of all its leather and all the nails and screws removed, I couldn't resist taking it out to the barn and putting it on my horse. I have been struggling with this whole saddle fit thing for some time and I wanted to see how it sat on my horses back. It really makes a difference seeing how it sits on the horses back when there is no leather on it. It does seem to fit him much better then the one I am using now. I think my saddle is too narrow for him.
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