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Everything posted by Menolly

  1. Hi Bigundoctor, I made up my first pattern after researching the various types and bits and pieces of patterns I found on the net. I looked at cloth hats a lot to see if they explained how it was done too. For my second hat I used a pattern from Leatherlearn. It was an old Tandy pattern I think. I printed it out then traced it onto file folders for a more permanent pattern. The first hat I did was way to small for most people so I wanted this one to be larger. I think that is where I went wrong. I tried to make it bigger and didnt really know what I was doing. I just didnt know if there was a trick I am missing to make this easier. Obviously it isnt using math formulas. At least in my case! I don't have a calculator with a square root button on it for starters. lol Thanks for the suggestions :D Ellen
  2. oh my...I didnt think it would be THAT complicated lol. Thank you for taking the time to share that with me, Russ.
  3. Hi all, I have made a couple hats. One is a top hat and Im not sure what the other one is. It looks ok for the most part. But the problem I am having is getting everything in sync. I have made several patterns and have studied what I could find here and at other websites about making hats but my circles just don't match up with the brim or the top of the hat. I always have either a gap or excess at the top, bottom or both. I guess I am asking, What is the math formula for measuring to make a hat?How do I get the measurement for an oval? I hope there are a few elementary math teachers on here Thanks!
  4. Fantastic! What a great job. Thank you so much for the pattern. What kind of wire do you use?
  5. I use file folders. you can get a box for $10 and make quite a few patterns. They tape together easily too.
  6. here's a hat tutorial made of cloth http://craft-with-confidence.blogspot.com/2010/10/mad-hatter-hat-tutorial.html
  7. Thanks, Clair! That is really cool! I think I'm gonna buy it. Ellen
  8. I really like the patterns and coloring on your Ipad sleeves. I am trying to make a sleeve for an ipad for a christmas gift but am not sure of what the measurements should be. I dont mean I want your pattern or anything. I am just not sure how much bigger to make the case than the Ipad. Thanks!
  9. Thanks all for the information. Sounds like the system to protect exotic animals is pretty comprehensive. I am going to stick to the cowhide and pigskins though.
  10. I was just curious if there are leathers that are a "no no" because the animal is endangered or getting there. I am a pacifist at heart but am ok with using byproduct leather. I may be naive but I have been shocked to see some items made from elephant leather. Are any leathers illegal?
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