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  1. I know they would be a better machine and more enjoyable/efficient to use, but im still hung up on if i will really get my moneys worth from it. Mostly if i have no money left over for leather. Although after looking in the used machine area and seeing the top 8 posts selling used boss makes me feel like people out grow them fast.
  2. You guys are the devil on my shoulder. Making me want that cb3500 or even th 4500. I still don't know that I can justify the $2000+ on something that is a hobby right now.
  3. Im just worried that a 1/2in max leather will leave me short on some things and i will just end up wanting a heavier machine in the end. i just dont know that i can justify the $2000 if the $1000 will do it with a little more work
  4. Im looking into getting a sewing machine. Most of what i would do would be dog collars, sheaths, and holsters, but might want to try some saddles down the road. I have narrowed it down to a tippmann or a cowboy. I know pulling the lever is going to get old fast, but im not looking to set up a commercial operation. I guess my question is if people have found that the extra $1000 really worth it when you are not doing it as a source of income? Toledo industrial sewing isnt for from me so that was a big deciding part on what powered machines made the short list. Im just trying to weigh the pros and cons against my wallet. Any insight would be helpful.
  5. Thank you. Sounds like something in the 5-7 area should give me something to play around with. might need to pick up a gouger too.
  6. Thank you guys. I will shoot them an email rather then just order off the site. I'm still a little torn between the tooling sides and a bend of hermann oak. This if more to play around with and practice so the cheap stuff might fit the bill for now. Not that I don't want it to look nice but I'm not sell anything so no one can cry about an imperfection.
  7. What leather weight do you guys use for book covers? Also do you skiv it down where it folds around the corners to make it lay nicer or is that not needed? Thanks
  8. Im looking to order leather but have never ordered a side online. I like what I have got from Springfield so was going to use them again. Im not sure if i should get the top or medium tooling sides. Is there a noticeable difference in the two? The other question i have is how the ordering works. When you put in how many feet you want do they cut a side down to fit or find one that best matches? Last but not least is the hermannoak the same thing just higher quality? At 1/2 the price it has me worried that the tooling side will be as bad as what i have got from tandy. Thanks
  9. When i get to the end of a piece of thread, saddle stitching, im always at a loss for what to do to secure it so you cant see it. Will it hold secure if i back stitch it a bit? Thanks.
  10. They make no mention of weight that I can see. I woul just ask the person how heavy they want it. That way if its not right it's not on you. If they don't list it i would guess they let you go light as its not for real protection like in sca.
  11. You will want veg tan leather for just about any kind you could want to make. The weight will depend on the game. Some have rule on the weight. Dag and belegarth both are 12oz or 3/16. Reverse engineer a pic of armor you like on card board and lay it out and see how much you need. Copper rivets can be set with a rivet and burr setter. They are about 15 at tandy.
  12. Could I get added too. Thank you
  13. Paulr


    i just got the keltoi moc pattern and am about to put them together. i have never done these before and was wondering about the soles. should i use the same leather for the sole and in sole as the rest of it or should i use a heavier leather on the outside?
  14. that makes life easier. thanks guys
  15. I picked up some resolene and have seen that a lot of people mix it 50/50 with water. Rather then measure it out each time and hope i don't have left over is it okay to just mix the whole bottle at one time and save it?
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