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About johnj

  • Birthday September 12

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  • Interests
    Mortorcycles ,Outdoors , Leathercraft.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Wallets, Book Covers, and Cases
  • Interested in learning about
    all I can learn.
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Tandy store.

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  1. I don't have Poriferaphobia , but I do use a spray bottle works great for me.
  2. Did you try to post a picture if so no go?
  3. OH Yahh!
  4. Fraser; Sun in Scotland ? I was there two years seen the sun two times. Natural Gas : wife thinks I should bottle it.
  5. Thanks Tony I used your template for the key fob.
  6. Minimal wallet outer is Sting Ray ( it will dull your beveler) 3"x4"x3/4" that's with 20 cards & $37.00 3 card pockets in front one in the back and a side opening. I use for cash. A lot in a little space it turned out good.
  7. No clacker press I wish someday I hope. Thanks all for all kind words.
  8. Too cold and rainy outside so I made these fobs, for fun.
  9. I 'll try just two. I 'll try just two.
  10. I don't know why my pictures are sideways and upsidedown.
  11. Good to have you Tom, I will be posting my pictures in short order. Too cold to be outside!
  12. I am almost done , I have some edge work to do, turned ok but when l applied the water based staln I got it to wet and lost some of the deffinision of my carving and stamping. I am somewhat humbled , but live and learn. Thank you all on this site Pictures coming soon. I am almost done , I have some edge work to do, turned ok but when l applied the water based staln I got it to wet and lost some of the deffinision of my carving and stamping. I am somewhat humbled , but live and learn. Thank you all on this site Pictures coming soon.
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