"Dictionary of Leather-Working Tools, 1700-1950; and the tools of allied trades". By R.A. Salaman; The Astragal Press; ISBN 1-879335-72-7.
This is one of the most comprensive books on leather tools that I have ever run across. It not only shows very good pen & ink drawings of the tools, but describes what they are for. At 377 pages it' covers a range of topics. The book covers 1,100 different tools
Chapters include
Boot and shoe maker
Driving-belt maker
Gut string naker
Harness maker and saddler
Glove maker
This is just six out of thirteen chapters. The book also includes a list of tool makers.
This volume is so comprehensive that I got rid of all my other leather books except for Hand Sewing and Leathercraft Tools by Al Stohlman.