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Everything posted by Historybuff

  1. Sorry for the late response, been busy. I was 'runnin balls' for my Brown Bess in this pict.

  2. For a really good template of an eye patch, try your local pharmacy. Check the eye care section for the aluminum eye protectors used for covering minimal eye injuries/surgies for a few days, or go to your local emergency room and just ask for a few eye pads. These are soft cloth like pads used for the same purpose as the aluminum ones.
  3. Use a large or medium leather punch and make leather buttons. These are great for a friend who knits or historical reenactors.
  4. I've used them in the past and am impressed, however I have to agree with iwannabeacowby, they do seem to take a little longer than most to ship. Its the only place I've found so far that I can get pig skin rawhide.
  5. Historybuff


    "Dictionary of Leather-Working Tools, 1700-1950; and the tools of allied trades". By R.A. Salaman; The Astragal Press; ISBN 1-879335-72-7. This is one of the most comprensive books on leather tools that I have ever run across. It not only shows very good pen & ink drawings of the tools, but describes what they are for. At 377 pages it' covers a range of topics. The book covers 1,100 different tools Chapters include Bookbinder Boot and shoe maker Driving-belt maker Gut string naker Harness maker and saddler Glove maker This is just six out of thirteen chapters. The book also includes a list of tool makers. This volume is so comprehensive that I got rid of all my other leather books except for Hand Sewing and Leathercraft Tools by Al Stohlman.
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