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Everything posted by Ladykahu

  1. Ladykahu


    Pirate themed belt for my 4 year old grandson.. note the 'hidden treasure' pocket Its 32mm wide and I used one of the tandy small oval belt buckles. The buckle is a map of never never land from Peter pan, made using the laser printer / baking paper transfer method and then coloured afterwards.
  2. Ladykahu


    My kindle cover. Wanting to make a kindle cover was what got me started in leatherwork. This picture is probably the closest to showing the true blue colour. the others look washed out when really its quite vibrant. You will notice the inside sleeve has folded edges.. Lesson learnt!!!! NEVER cut the edges to size after 10pm... you make mistakes and make things slightly to small.
  3. Ladykahu


    This was the third thing I made. Pipe tobacco pouch for the hubby, his choice of fabric lining! I stuffed up the size of the fold over flap because I forgot to allow for the extra thickness in the tamper and lighter holders.
  4. Hubby always asks me why we don't have more of my art work around the house... and the answer is simple I see ALL the mistakes! everytime I look at something I created, I see the little thing I would do different next time.. so I never end up putting it up on the wall. My execption is the garden sculptures I make.. they are designed to be rough cast so it doesn't bother me.. there are quite of few of those sticking their heads out around the place. Natalie
  5. I know the spirit based green dye I tried on a belt I made myself is fading already after 4 and a bit months. I wear it daily as my work keys hang off it. But all I covered the thread with was beeswax / paraffin mix, no clearlac or any other finisher. Natalie
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