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Everything posted by Ladykahu

  1. I tried with using a tallygenicom laser printer at work (just happened to be one closest to my office) and no matter what I did I couldn't get it to burnish off onto the leather. So I did some more reading online and found a few comments about how some folks had differing sucess depending on the printer breed used.. so I kept reading trying to find which of the many breeds of printers (lexmark, HP, brother etc) we have at work was likely to work best, and came across this forum post http://www.engraving...read.php?t=1661 Its a discussion about using baking paper instead of paper to do the transfer. I tried it and it worked SO well!!!! I tried using acetone on the leather, and then metholated spirits to help lift the ink off the baking paper - both of them smudged off the leather to easily for what I wanted. The forum discussion was for transfering onto wood and they where using a type of varnish dried until tacky to do the transfer. I tried using some Jo Sonja's 'Clear Glaze Medium' (which I have on hand, and have used to seal some acrylic paint underneath neat lac just fine) as my 'varnish' on my leather and the print came off easily and with incredibly fine detail Sorry about the photo quality.. taken using my phone camera, and I couldn't get rid of the glare. I was using some pig skin lining scraps. This is a picture of my test bit using the glaze to transfer the image This is a close up This was the test with using acetone to transfer the image and this was using metholated spirits, and then I coated the image with the glaze, its a little smudged. Natalie
  2. Great idea Clay I have been thinking about making my grandson a belt, so might do another at the same time. Natalie
  3. As someone with long hair who uses hair clips daily... If you use a chicago screw, make sure you put a lining over it! otherwise hair WILL get underneath it and caught no matter how hard you tighten it down. I have a few brought hair clips I love the look of, but don't wear because I always end up pulling my hair out when taking them off as it gets caught in them. Natalie
  4. Check out Johanna's post http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=11899 she gives some instructions there Natalie
  5. Bummer :-( Looks like a nice sheath to. group hug for you Natalie
  6. I was looking at this site the other day (I purchased some antique from them) and noticed http://www.goodsjapan.jp/servlet/the-2138/High-strength-Leathercraft-hardener%2C/Detail No idea what its like... Natalie
  7. It might be an idea to provide a little more information, and maybe some pictures of what you are talking about. Also, try reading some of the 'wet forming' leather posts in some of the other sections of the board, they should point you in the right direction Natalie
  8. Thanks for those replies guys Art - I considered a rolled edge, but really prefer the look of burnished for this project Max, thats exactly the info I was looking for, and the picture helped heaps.. Cheers Natalie
  9. Could you not mix a little colour into your resolene? tint it with the same solvent base dye maybe Natalie
  10. Can anyone help? please? Natalie
  11. Hi all I am making myself an ebook cover, but am having trouble working out how to best handle the lining I want to use some chrome tanned suede as the lining, but what do I do at the edges? the main cover is veg tanned embossed leather that I will burnish the edges on. But if I take the lining all the way to the edge I don't think it will burnish will it? I am planning on stitching around the edge as I also am putting in an inner pocket on one side. Do I just take the lining to the point of the stitching, and leave a tiny gap away from the edge? the main cover is only 4mm thick leather though, so I hadn't planned on stitching to far away from the edge (following the guidelines from 'sewing leather cases' about stitching lines being the same distance in as the thickness of the leather). Can some wise person point me in the right direction please? thanks Natalie
  12. Thanks for sharing those, some lovely pieces there! I think I recognise a few Natalie
  13. I own and read lots of books and completly agree with you about smells, memories etc. BUT!!! my kindle can be read easily in a park on a bright sunny day, I need a light if its dark, it really is just like reading newsprint. and, if you travel... there is nothing worse than running out of 'book' half way through a long trip, no chance of that with a kindle, I have a few hundred books loaded on it so I know the next one in the series of whatever I am reading is waiting for me. I got mine at christmas and its only on its 3rd recharge. It appears for me that the battery is lasting aprox. 9 books worth of reading. Its also not back light like a laptop, so no sore eyes (well no more than I would normally get for reading 2 books in a row like I did this weekend) Natalie
  14. Not sure what ereader your making it for, but a kindle (I have the new one) is the same size as a standard dvd plastic cover, I just finished molding my inner sleeve using a dvd case for shaping and my kindle slips in just fine, not to tight or loose with just enough room for the 2 layers of 1mm suede I intend to use for the lining. Natalie
  15. Hi Photo is a bit small to see really, any chance of a larger one? Natalie
  16. I brought some fiebings from ST leather, and they shipped to australia no problems Natalie
  17. I have always blamed my missing things on the 'borrowers' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Borrowers for those of you who haven't had an english mothers reading list.. Fairies / pixies are who alter or break things when you aren't looking. Natalie
  18. Bah! for a computer tech you'd think I could get a picture posted properly!!! having another go at the image post
  19. That might work, but I like the existing leaf overlapping the edge you could also maybe alter the 'curl' a little more that comes off the vine. Its early here and I am supposed to be getting ready for work, so this is a quickie paint line to show what I mean.
  20. Happy birthday Madmax, spring chicken still :-)

  21. Thats really pretty! The only thing that leapt out at me was the vine/branch in the upper left corner, its a little straight, could you maybe curve it a little bit? all the rest flow really nicely.. Or maybe you could fit a second leaf there.. Natalie
  22. WOW! That is one very nice bag!! Could I ask approx size? and where did you get the catch/opening brass from? Wow again! Natalie
  23. I am just starting out in leather work, and made a pouch just using info I found here. Then I brought all 3 of the making cases books, and found out how to 'not do' all the things I did wrong the first time! You will need to get all 3, rather than just volume 3 as they do build on each other, and 3 refers back to the previous two volumes for more basic instructions (the projects get harder and more complex in each volume) as someone said above, the info on handles, straps, fastenings and gussets etc is very good and can be applied to many idea's well worth the money! especially if you don't like to just follow a standard pattern and like to 'alter' things Natalie
  24. Wow, that looks great! Good idea with painting the thread... I might have to 'borrow' that when I do mine :-) Not sure about the size of your buckle, its a little overpowering for the corners, but I presume this is quite a small pouch? hard to tell with nothing for comparision Natalie
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