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Everything posted by simran

  1. I'll be in touch Susana!!
  2. simran


    I've never bought any leather from the but have bought hardware in the past. I still get a catalog from them and was looking at needles in it for my #7. No No No No No; we won't be paying those prices for needles. NoSireee!!
  3. Beautiful work Bob. I especially like the rope bags.

  4. That thing `otta be a centerfold in a magazine or something . . . . .PlayBoy maybe, huh???
  5. This is excellent advice Ash! Belt snaps take a little bit of getting used to but I'd say after the 10th belt you'd either be a pro or bald from pulling your hair out. Seriously though; they are more professional looking and less expensive
  6. ain't it a hoot?? I've got a Nook. I was looking at these things in B&N & marveling at the prices paid for this stuff. WOW!!!
  7. I actually found reference to this list on a long forgotten post searching for needle info. on this site. Wish I could remember who made reference to it. I thought there may be others out there interested in this link.
  8. Art, It is a 12K sorry. It looks to be in excellent condition. I run the wheel back and forth a couple of times and it seemed pretty tight.
  9. I need parts for my little Thompson Mini Walker. Or I'll buy your working model and use mine for parts. I've got a larger machine now so I think I'm safe from here on. . . . .maybe! I tried to sew something too thick with it and bent a lever under the hood. sim
  10. I've got a 31-15 head for sale. A slug of needles, Knee lifter. $100.00 you ship. I will double box the thing so the gorilla's don't break it in shipping. (been there, done that) I don't know much about it; I've never used it. I know it turns over freely. There isn't much to these things so I'm guessing with some tinkering it would work. I've sewed a mile on one of these in the past. They are good machines for light leather work. Wonderful boot top machines. I'm not home so don't have any pics. I'll try to post some this weekend.
  11. I digress, I should have made the link more obvious. I had a very long day yesterday so was trying to get by on the cheap! sim
  12. I g got a link to it now. it was to big to attach.
  13. Here is a Needle reference chart in PDF for download if you like. I tried to attach it as a file but it was to big so maybe I can link it here.
  14. This is an old thread but didn't think opening another was needed. I just picked up a 7-33 yesterday for not more than a song. The lady said it was her dad's and she would rather give it to someone that would use it rather than market it to the public. Anyway, I do a lot of flat leather and canvas work and would like to get into some harness repair in the future. With this old horse I think the future just showed itself Oh, she also sold me a Smith eyelet & hook press on the original foot operated, cast iron stand in very nice condition; along with a little box of anvils for it. She spotted me drooling on that too and made me an offer I couldn't refuse. This was all fun and exciting until I got home and had to face the management!!!!!!! Anyone looking for a Landis K model stitcher near upper Wisconsin let me know. She's got one of them and a short arm Singer 29 patcher too. sim
  15. The Aerostitch I'm familiar with from back in my boot making days; used one to stitch side seams. What model consew you use?
  16. Higgy, What sewing machine do you use to sew bags like this? Sim
  17. simran

    Using Advertisers

    Kripes these guys are fast! I ordered this while I was on the road and it got home same day I did!! Sim
  18. I'm not much of a whiner usually but man did we get a bunch of snow here in South Dakota yesterday. The winters snow was nearly gone when it came, the lilac's are budding and even seen a squirrel or two venturing out while it was warm. Now we are back at square one. We must have gotten 24". Our vehicles are piled pretty high. The roads are closed and the works. Well at least it melted a bunch before we got this last dumping. I'm not sure we could have found a place for this stuff otherwise. I took pics. and sent them to my computer from my phone but I think Verizon is blocking them or something. I'll load them later. Sim
  19. Now the flywheel concept I've understood from the time I was young and I asked my Grandpa why the rake tractor had those big wheels on it going round and round. In my wilder years I had a Harley and came to know the concept intimately rebuilding the old "74" a couple of times. But I gotta tell ya' I was no less floored when I put the Monster wheel on my little Thompson 201 tonight. It's like it isn't even the same machine. It works so smooth and efficiently it is ridiculous that these little walking foot sewing machines don't come with these on them. ALL OF THEM!!! I'm here to tell you if you have one of these little walking foot machines and don't have one of Sailrite's Monster Wheels on it, not only are you missing out, you are silently frustrated for no reason!!! It makes that much difference. I'm squaring off right now to kick myself for not doing it sooner!! Sim
  20. That bag is hell for stout! You could pack rocks in it for years without hurting it!! Nice Bag!!
  21. simran

    Siegel Leather

    Love your avatar! That is a picture of my little brother. He was always up to something. They kicked him out of school when he was 16; he never learned how to read until in his 20's his wife taught him. Today he turns 150,000 a year. Heheheehe! I often wonder what those teachers he raised so much hell with would think of him today!!!
  22. simran

    Using Advertisers

    Funny how things like that happen isn't it!!
  23. simran

    Using Advertisers

    I'm glad I got all the positive feedback on Springfield Leather. They called me later this afternoon and told me they would not be able to complete my order; they were shy one hide I wanted. I asked them if there was anything else that may make a good stand in for what I ordered (it was a color matching issue). They assured me that what I'd ordered would be the only real good match available but I'd have to wait until they got it back in stock. I felt pretty confident that they were trying to do the right thing and not send me something I couldn't use; or was a poor match. So they'll send what they have and the hide in question will be a week behind it. Not a deal breaker for me anyway. Sim
  24. Anyone know of a supplier for brass large heel bar & center bar buckled. I'm looking for 1 3/4" Sim
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