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About Vince

  • Birthday 02/16/1979

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  1. Vince


    Medieval project
  2. Vince


  3. Just wonderfull... one day maybe I'll be able to do the same ;-)
  4. Vince


    Very nice bag, ultra neat. Well done !
  5. Very impressive peace of work, very neat and detailed The dying is great. Well done.
  6. Hey TapTapTap,

    I have seen it. It is great I really liked the gold effect

  7. Hey there Vince, finally finished the Targe. I made it half size to save leather. I used the same antique as that used in my other work over the background which was painted a dark brown. The rest of it was done with a gold acrylic folk art paint.

  8. Hi Gunter, Thanks for the comment. No pattern, my own inspiration and google for the celtic design
  9. Nice... so you finally did it ;-) I like the dye it is better than mine. What are you going to do with it? Hang it to a wall ? I am nearly done with mine which will go on a targe... I'll post pictures
  10. In terms of leather costumes, I found that most of the medieval/fantasy movies have great realizations (ie Lord Of The Ring)
  11. Great job, this look wonderfull. Well done !!! How did you manage the dyeing, did you use airbrush?
  12. Thanks i used antique finish Sheridan color + lac from fiebings
  13. Vince


    First NoteBook
  14. Nice one, very funny and beautifull realization.
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