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  • Gender
  • Location
    New Braunfels, Texas
  • Interests
    Cars, wood working, leather crafts

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Leather wrapping steering wheels
  • Interested in learning about
    automotive interior finishes
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. That is real nice! Part craftsmanship part artist. I have a lot of trouble with the art part.... We call them Specks or Speckled Trout. There is a lake near by me called Canyon Lake where I believe you will find the southern most walleye around. They were introduced to the lake back in the 60's. Ive seen them scuba diving but even when I brought along a real Yankee we couldnt catch them.
  2. Hello all, Ive been a member here for a good while but short of my initial hello post ive been mostly a lurking info seeker. Mostly due to my occupation being someone who recovers leather steering wheels vs. a true leatherworker/crafter. Over the past several months ive developed interests in other areas which tend to bring leather items back into the picture. One of which is knife making, thus sheath building and the oddity being slingshots. Ive been making them for a while and just decided to make holsters for a couple of them. My first holster was one of those projects that started out as something different all together. It was to be simple and straight forward.... Until it got wet! I made another slinger this week and after adding some checkering I took a crack at another simpler holster. I wanted it to become a hard leather shell this time so after some water and some heat that is what I wound up with. In all honesty, the wrinkle finish in the leather was accidental and due to a heat gun, but Im kinda linking it more all the time. Im still collecting/making tools and practicing stitching but I believe ive found a hobby which will last! Chris
  3. I make a lot of patterns while rewraping leather steering wheels and I buy a large and think poster board from Hobby Lobby for about $7 each. The stuff is about 3/32" thick and cuts well. I dont have a whole one to measure but just guessing id say they are 30"x42" or so. Ive never heard of pallet liners but I will be making a visit to a feed store to follow up on FREE stuff!
  4. Greetings all! My very first post here. I found this site in search for techniques to reach a successful end to my latest project. Since then wrapping steering wheels has become somewhat a business for me. My latest wheel arrived on Thursday evening and was the most difficult basket case thus far. The foam was degraded as well as it turned on the inner metal ring when twisted. It was also somewhat swollen and the dimensional girth measurements changed all around the diameter of the wheel. Anyway, just wanted to say hello, thanks for such a cool site and to show off my new craft. By the way, over the years ive also done some holsters and possible bags and such, I know what im doing now boarders upholstery vs. leather craft but it is leather. 300zx Steering wheels Chris
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