It's going to be for a tap LARP, so just a simple point based system with boffer combat. You are correct about me not necessarily needing that particular type of leather. In our rulebook, the armor I am wanting to make needs to be at least 3/16 of an inch, which as I understand it, is about a 12 oz weight, right? I suppose the 15/16 oz is more of a want than a need. I was also thinking about going with some Saddle Skirting instead of the armor leather. I will defer to your experience and knowledge though on what you think I need. Everybody in my LARP organization has told me this is a big first step and I should do something a bit smaller, and I am, but I'll be starting this within a week or so.
Thank you very much for the forming tip as well. I'm getting all of my tools in tomorrow afternoon so I'll be able to put that to some practice before I move on to my armor.