Recently I ve been asked to "make exactly that sheath as mr X did but in black". Since I know that mr x can make more of those sheaths I replied that I can make something similar but different. My question Id like to ask you is how do you feel about "borrowing" designs and projects from other makers? Even if Im asked to make something in style of "someone" I try to add or change few details that would make the project different, mine.
First thing that comes to my mind is, dont do it. Be creative. Find your own style. If someone came up with something, respect that. If a customer wants the same thing, he should go to the maker and ask for it. On the other hand, with so many leather workers, designs are bound to repeat themselves. Another thing is that there are icons in leatherworking, for sheath making for example Paul Long and Bob Loveless whose designs are vell known and you often hear "make me a P Long style sheath" and somehow it feels ok. Its like hearing that you want Victorian table in your kitchen.
Im writing from sheathmaker point of view, but I gues it coresponds with other branches as well.
Tell me what you think.