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  1. Do you still have the douglas awl?
  2. Hello, I'm pretty new to leather working, but I was wondering if you could give me some pointers on something. What do you do to get the stamping a darker color than the rest of the project? I've seen this on many projects and am just curious how it's done, any help would be greatly appreciated.
  3. I just wanted to say thank you very much for posting these for us I've just started making items out of leather and holsters are what drew me to it. I've been reading up on techniques, but it's so much different when you can see it done by a professional. Again thanks, I'm sure it will help me out significantly in my travels
  4. Thank you for the tip dwight, I'll have to make some of those
  5. Thanks for all the tips guys, I did use eco-flo dye because that's all I had in the color he wanted, I hate it. I have picked up fieblings in a few colors and hope that fixes my dye problems. I'll pick up some thicker thread before my next project, where would be the best place to look for some thicker thread? I don't have any leather stores near by so everything I buy is online, I will try michaels if all else fails. Thanks for the cup idea on the corners, and I see what you mean on the right and left side, can't believe I missed that. The stitch lines i tried to get close, but if you notice at the trigger gaurd somehow this ended up too close and prevented the gun from going in the last 1/4" or so. Thanks again for your suggestions guys And I'll try to resize the pictures a little smaller next time the first one came out really huge and thought the next 2 were better.
  6. This is my first holster made after my technical first but dismal attempt. Made it for a friends ruger P89, he's a bigger guy and needed more cant to reach behind him, which is why it's at such an extreme angle. Any tips or tricks from you more experienced guys would be lovely, I know it's no where near perfect. Sorry... adjusted for size.
  7. I'm looking to get into carving leather, where do you guys find your patterns? I'm mostly interested in the sheridan style of carving, but not limited to that. Any help would be appreciated.
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