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Leather Guru

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  1. Don't wanna make anyone jealous . Took me 40 years to put all that together . Yah Tinkerton you can come over and play . Plenty of machines for everone
  2. My atelier.
  3. Home made strap cutter in palissandre and brass with tungsten carbide cuter blade.
  4. Hello brothers, Here is a bag sewn by machine and finished by hand. Take care, R. Baggaley.
  5. Hello everybody , It's not posing AAron . I wiggle the awl a little bit & when i start to feel the point I move out of the way so to speake . I've been doing it that way for 40 years & yes I've been bit a few times !
  6. Hello everybody, some handsewing. RB.
  7. anyone who wants to make bags should start with an arm type sewing machine , such as an Adler 269-373 or clone thereof . You are limitrd as to what you can do with a flat machine
  8. Most high qualy sacs use chaine from YKK . You must order the type with polished teeth . Also , YKK makes double chaine with polished teeth . Be prepared to pay the price
  9. Hello Tom , I'm just down the road from you in Rhode St. Genese . I'd like to hear about your class . U can check out my website ralphbaggaley.com
  10. Hey pappy, some dog collars using the machine to stitch the front part and finishing everything by hand, hiding the threads too. Ralph.
  11. Hi Pappy , I'm 66 & I've been sewing proffesionly for 30 Years . Yah I got plenty of machines & I use them a lot . I never use reverse ! even if I can't spell proffeshionally
  12. Back stiching on any machine is always gonna be ugly . You can always back stitch with your machine using the hand wheel & your foot lift moving the piece backwards by hand . But of course , the best is to bite the bullet and finish by hand . At least your clients will have a strong product . But that's only my opinion
  13. Hello Walter, some more tools. Those knives are made by me from saw blades. Please send me your address. See you soon, Ralph.
  14. Hi Walter , I thought you would like the quarter moon knife I bought it 35 years ago from a shop in Bruxelles .I've been making my own knives for the past 20 years from high speed steel saw blades & they are the best but they are made to do bags & wallets . Fredrich Herder (solingen) also still make some beautiful knives . The Don Carlos collection . Thanks for the link from the bone tools , but I make my own tools in bone or animal horns . I maybe have 20 or so ! Actually the tool you liked with bone I made myself many years ago . I'll send some more pics later today.
  15. Hello Walter & Tor A few pics of the old tools I rarely if ever I use any more . While you guys have been collecting sattler's tools most of mine were for maroquinerie ( leatherwork )
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