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Everything posted by llasso

  1. These were fun to make and I have to think they are one of a kind..........
  2. A set like these with the hand whip stiching takes about 6 hours
  3. These straps wer fun to make and they will be going to Colorado to a new home
  4. Really nice work, takes a lot of time for the lacing and splicing Great Job Larry Lasso
  5. These straps were a lot of work to make not alot of carving but a good amount of construction
  6. Thaks for all of your input, it really is ashame that the manufacture of this product does not have the awnser to this question. I ask and really did not get a reply that we did not already cover.........
  7. Did you ever read what is in barge cement, if you do for your own health yjou may not want to use it
  8. I have a glue pot that I keep leather weld in and once in a while I clean it, but to do not do a very good job any one have any ideals of the best way to do it? I soak it in hot water and use a tool to scrap out the debree inside the pot but that still does not do a very good job...... Larry
  9. Don, I like the ideal of sloting, I will give it a try, The only thing I have to be careful of is to make sure the linning leather is the right oz so as to secure the strap and at the same time allow the spur buttons to easily insert into the spur strap slots.. Thanks Don...........Larry
  10. Pete, I don't know what I am going to charge, I did them in one my "artie" moments. What do you think they are worth.. Larry
  11. This is kind of art you might find in the 30's
  12. This rig to a long time to make a lot of detail, thought you might like to see it before I ship it to England
  13. Ken, Really nice work, everything flows togerther and I am sure the leather is soft and feels fine when you ware it. How long does it take to produce a vest? Keep up the good work..... Larry Lasso
  14. These straps were fun to make and I got a little carried away, perhaps to much glimmer
  15. I had not really thought of the lacing rubing against any part of the saddle. You are right, I will do a pair with rawhide buck stiching and see what they look like. I tried to bring a new look to a spur strap in doing what I did. "Who will buy them"???? We will find out as they are up for sale. Thanks for your input and keep your mined open for new ideals..... Larry
  16. You are right there are no slits on the outer layer of leather. I thought I would try this method to see how it works. If you attach your spurs to the straps and then put them on the boots no problem. In taking them off just un-do one side and leave the other attached and they work fine. I do understand your point and thank you for your input..... Larry
  17. Thank you Ken, I happy you like my work....Larry
  18. These straps contain no buckles the picture will tell the tail
  19. Yes, I do cut a stiching grove around the strap, it is the first thing I do after I cut the leather. Thanks all for the nice words regarding the spur straps. I really enjoy working with leather and kind of found a home with my spur straps........Larry
  20. These straps were fun to make hope you like them Larry
  21. Your work is outstanding. I really like the saddle and I know a tremendious amout of work went into it's compleation. Larry Lasso
  22. The pattern is a combination of sheridan style carving along with a little Larry Lasso Twist. The straps are fully linned. The silver comes from three different sources. These will sell for about $150.00. Hope this awnsers all your questions Spencer. Ken, Thanks for your words and the cowboys in Calgary might just like my spur straps.
  23. Thanks, Paul, as you know detail is important in working with leather, if you want a professional looking final product. I keep learning and I too enjoy my time I spend with the leather....Larry
  24. Thanks for the nice words regarding my work. It does take a lot of time to compleate a set of spur straps...
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