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    Claremont NH
  • Interests
    Arts & Crafts

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Leather stamps Leather guitars
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    Your interest in leather stamps
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  1. Just updated my website. Let me know your opinion. Visit elwelkerleatherstamps.com. Happy leatherworking!

    1. Ed in Tx

      Ed in Tx

      Your website looks well designed. One suggestion would be to add a picture of an item that was tooled with your stamps. That way someone could see a finished piece in addition to the individual stamp imprints. You might even have a key that shows which stamps were used in each area. Just an idea.

    2. Sylvia


      One thing that I noticed as a somewhat visually impaired person... is the Font is difficult to read. And come pages have the entire page centered... which makes it hard to read.

    3. rickybobby


      The site is much to cluttered. Use of "white space" needs to be added. background color and topography color on some are much to close and difficult to read. Have your tools and their imprints (with prices) on top. a long page is o.k. Move other verbiage towards the bottom or details of making them on a separate page. We can tell they are quality pieces, let the photos speak for themselves.


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