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Latest project. There's actually a bunch of stuff that has been completed that I haven't shared since I've been here last. I tend to update our facebook page the most these days. Full view: http://www.deviantart.com/download/4711 ... 1406539261 Stainless steel core with hard leather details, overlays, and filigrees. Work in progress photos of this project on our facebook page and albums. http://www.facebook.com/PrinceArmory
Medieval Joker Custom Leather Armor Completed
Prince replied to Prince's topic in Historical Reenactment
Thanks all : ) Various scattered small theatrical credits but only one big commercial seen by the masses -
Alright so here is my latest creation; The Medieval Joker Armor. Full View: Medieval Joker Leather Armor by Azmal on deviantART Full View: Joker3-4 by Azmal on deviantART Functional hardened leather full body armor including: Jester's Helmet with Joker Mask, Breastplate, Drama Face Pauldrons, Breastplate, Jester's War Skirt, Cuisses/Knees/Greaves, Articulated Jester Shoe Sabatons I actually have a ton of other pics including various work in progress photos but you'll have to go to my facebook album to see them: https://www.facebook... ... 438&type=3 More pics coming over the next several days on our facebook so be sure to like our page to see the rest as they come. Share with your friends too : ) https://www.facebook.com/PrinceArmory Prince Armory Custom Creations Thanks for looking!
Well both essentially. Lot of historic foundation with entirely fantasy design elements.
Thanks. It was for a private client. They will use it at conventions and ren fests and such.
Flame Dragon Armor- Consists of Helmet, Cuirass, Pauldrons, Full Arms, Full Legs, Tassets, Sabatons & Gauntlets. All leather construction with brass hardware.
Hello again, I haven't posted in a while (again) so here are a couple pieces I did a while back along with a small guide but the guide is actually an album on Facebook. Helmet Breastplate Mini Tutorial The album link. https://www.facebook...15841438&type=1 (Each image has a comment of what is going on) Considering liking the page if you'd like to keep tabs on future works and tutorials.
Custom leather fantasy armor inspired by Artorias of Dark Souls The reference material I had to work with was such that I had to come up with my own embellishments and design elements so its not an exact replica.
So aside from the Weaver version (around $1750) what other options are out there? I'm really looking for something that will help speed up the riveting process for my stock items. I'm still doing low volume custom work but I'm expanding the production side of things as well so I'd like something with a large auto feed hopper and some diversity in what rivets it can use. Any ideas? The Weaver one is the only one I've found so far.
Hello again, been away from the boards for a while. Mostly just been focused on making stuff. Anyway, here is my latest project though I have a few others I haven't posted yet. I might get those shared here as well later on. And I've posted some other WIP photos on facebook so like my page if you'd like to see more updates along the way. www.facebook.com/princearmory
Couldn't edit my previous post so here's a new one. So the Samsung commercial with the Elven Knight armor I made for them released finally, here's the link to the commercials Full version - "Charge": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gz-_bknvHyE There is also a shorter TV Spot version - "Recommendations": http://www.ispot.tv/share/7oqL Also, here is a sort of teaser promo vid of sorts a friend made before I shipped the suit to New Zealand for the shoot. About the Commercial: Writeup of the Samsung Smart TV commercials: http://www.adweek.co...-samsung-148226 Another Writeup - http://popsop.com/61815 More info on the armor http://www.PrinceArm...com/samsung.php The Armor again: Elven Knight full armor suit. All leather construction with nickel and antiqued silver hardware. All the art, designs, and scrolls are original. Fully articulated Facebook http://www.facebook.com/PrinceArmory More info on the armor http://www.PrinceArm...com/samsung.php
Well that would be nice if true, I would really like to be a part of feature films one day. Like Lord of the Rings type of films especially.
A new friend put this video together for the suit before I shipped it to New Zealand for the commercial.
Thanks again : )
Yeah this was pretty much 7 days a week and anywhere from 12-18 hours a day for a number of weeks. I did this one start to finish basically myself. I usually have someone to help with basic cutting, tooling, dying but I've been short staffed for a while lol. Thanks everyone
Here's one of my latest works - Medieval Aquaman Armor Leather construction with brass hardware. Lots and lots of tooling and wet forming. http://www.facebook.com/PrinceArmory
It appears this forum category is more for goods and services but perhaps it is fitting enough. Looking for full time help to assist in creations of unique leather and armor works as well as a hand in business matters. Ideally I am looking for someone experienced with leatherwork and I can afford full time wages for adequate work. However, I am also willing to entertain an old fashioned apprenticeship for those not yet of a high skill but are eager to learn with growing wages in relation to increased productivity. In either scenario, extra wages may also be earned from piece work and assuming additional duties. I am able to offer room and board as part of the arrangement. The job description will have many aspects - everything from creating leather armor suits, to making buckles, to assisting with promotion, sales, and attending large events like ComiCon, DragonCon, The Texas Renaissance Festival and more in the future. However, let it be known I do not expect proficiency or activity in all areas - I will seek to play upon individual strengths and areas of interest. The fundamental spirit of the job is of fine craftsmanship and advancement of business ambitions in the way of Prince Armory which takes in custom works of all sorts, but usually in the way of armor and costumes, and Imperial Armories to vend at conventions and festivals which is focused more on higher volume high quality stock items in the fantasy genre, again often in the costume and armor type of product for now. www.PrinceArmory.com and www.ImperialArmories.com Ideally, you should be creative, passionate about quality and art, and have an interest in pursuing a career in the arts, crafts, business in general, or conventions or festival scenes. Please contact me directly at Samuel@PrinceArmory.com if you are interested. Tell me about yourself, your qualifications, where you are at skill-wise and what you can bring to the table, and why you would like to work with me. And please feel free to ask any questions. I’m currently in Dublin TX for the time being and as such need someone able to commute or relocate. Again, room and board is on the table for discussion for those needing to relocate.
hehe thanks again. hah, well as it turns out I will actually be needing some hired help again soon. I'll be able to provide wages, and room and board to someone able to relocate. I have a current assistant but she has to head back to LA soon so I'll need to replace her and I'll have more spots open later this year. I'll be posting more info on this though a bit later. Follow me on facebook if you weren't entirely joking. Drop me a line when I post info, or before, and I'll consider your app : )
Thank you everyone, really glad you like it. I had little over 2 weeks to make that one with the help of a new assistant. It was some long hours though to be sure.
Here are a few more wip images from the project. The helmet before it was painted: Lots and lots of pieces before assembly. This is a little more than half the parts I believe. The breastplate before antiquing: And the original concept I drew:
Hey all, been a while, again. The forums are looking sharp. Nice changes since I last visted. Heres a suit I completed back in January. It was commissioned by a production company for an upcomming Samsung commercial... I'm pretty anxious to finally see it air but I've been given no indication as to when it shall. Anway, all leather as usual with typical tandy hardware. Keep in mind again this mannequin is disproportioned and the suit actually will sit much better on the actor it was designed for. The theme was for a fantasy elven knight character. http://azmal.deviant...Armor-347684115 same image on dA I might post some more images when the commercial is up.
elven knight leather fantasy armor By azmal d5r02s3
Prince posted a gallery image in Our Leatherwork Galleries
From the album: Prince Armory
Hey folks, been a while. Thought I'd upload the most recent complete project. Leather Barbarian Armor Armor: 10oz veg tanned leather Cow Horns Dark brown and mahogany coloring Black fur trim Helmet: Blesbok horns Horse hair