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Everything posted by Prince

  1. I can emulate existing scrolls, they've been around for ages so there's plenty of reference, but I don't feel like I've ever gained a skill set that would enable me to do interesting free style scrolls so I was wondering if anyone knew of any tutorials or guides specifically for drawing various scrolls.
  2. Thanks all here are the gauntlets http://azmal.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d3nvd4c
  3. This is part of a full armor set, its all finished so pics coming at some point in the near future. All leather construction, and blesbok horns. Tried to hide rivets and stitching as much as possible so it looks organic. Mostly in the 10oz range of leather. Lots of tooling and airbrushing. And yes, I've been out of the internet scene for a while now so I've got a few other things to add before too long.
  4. I'd like to request this thread be deleted. My client wishes to debut the armor their self when it is finished. Pics will likely come again after that time : ) Thanks
  5. This armor set will have some fetish influences. Sort of a fetish armor hybrid you could say. Made completely from leather. Real Blesbok horns. Although not very obvious from this photo, there is a full face mask, thats molded to look like, well, a face. The rest of the armor will follow suit in a similar fashion. I expect to be done by late Janurary 2011
  6. two things I can suggest. Put the 12x12 slab in your lap to set rivets or whatever. When I first started I just sat indian style in the floor with the slab in my lap, but I've always been limber so maybe it won't be comfortable for you like that. Second thing is get a 55lb anvil from harbor freight. Its poorly cast junk which means there won't be any loud ringing because its not a real anvil, but even so its heavy enough to dampen the traveling noise for the most part. They used to be around $35 and its likely to come on special at some point too.
  7. Thanks. White really is a pain. This leather makes it easier though. the cord has a strip sewn on it so it can sewn along edges and seams.
  8. Yeah, made it a good while back actually. Archangel Armor on Deviant Art A white leather from weaver.
  9. Thanks everyone, appreciate it.
  10. Leather Archangel Helmet Horse Hair Crest Varied styles of scroll work Visor can be raised or easily removed entirely
  11. Imposing rendition for a custom Knights Templar armor. Barbute variant helmet with horns and horse hair. Breastplate War Belt Articulated arms Fingered Gauntlets Greaves
  12. Oh my, how exquisite. Whats the story here? Any info on the piece? I would say the leather work and coloring is phenomenal. Did you do the brass work too? What about the sword? The blade work and hamon are very nice indeed.
  13. The piece I linked isn't dyed, well, not by me anyway. And I only airbrush red when I need control over gradients and art oriented areas, not for coverage.
  14. ha, how funny, I'm working on a Knights Templar armor that has the red cross emblem worked throughout too. Have a few WIP shots up here - Facebook WIP Album If you want a good red, go with fiebings Oil Red pro dye. Much better, though more expensive of course.
  15. Thanks again. I make my own patterns from scratch and they can vary quite a lot from one helm to the next. You do need to have a pattern for symmetry of course but there is no one design that is 'correct' even among 'basic' styles. My advice - You should either experiment until something works or look for historical patterns of metal armor helms and imagine how to adapt those to leather, assuming leather is your fancy. The armourarchive is a good reference. (google it)
  16. I've had my screen name from Azmal to Prince. So for older threads where people refer to a mysterious Azmal person, now you'll know whats going on ; ) Peace
  17. Prince

    Newest Sale

    That background looks really interesting
  18. Hey folks, for those of you on facebook, I've been setting my account up finally and have lots of WIP photos and so on. Add me and tell your armor and leather loving friends : ) http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/profile.php?id=100000089190957 Peace
  19. Finished this today. All leather helm with springbok horns. More info and WIP shots at My DeviantART gallery.
  20. I don't think I ever uploaded this one. It went a long with the admiral hat that I did. oh and that buckle was a temporary one for the custom one the guy was having made.
  21. Yeah so its been a while, a lot has happened but I'm finally catching up and able to mess with the online stuff a bit more lately so I'll start uploading a few of the projects I've done as time permits. First I'll upload a helm I finished recently. Called it the nature helm, not creative but whatever lol.
  22. Yes I do, but not as a supplemental business to my leather or metal works, but rather to save in the long haul by making my own as opposed to outsourcing them. I didn't think I'd need a special bender to do them though so it may not really save me so much as I thought. I figured I'd be able to do them with my current tools I've got for making knives and such. I don't really know what clicker dies cost anyway though so it might easily enough not really have saved me so much anyhow.
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