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Everything posted by bigsig11010

  1. Could you please suggest a servo motor that will work well with the Seiko stw 8 please.
  2. I had to downsize the pics to get them to upload sorry. how do I replace the check spring? I’m afraid to remove the tension part thinking some spring will pop out and be impossible for me to put back. Could you please suggest a servo motor that will work well with the Seiko stw 8 please.
  3. I had to downsize the pics to upload sorry. Ive worked on correcting the threading and it seems to be doing better. Ill try to attach another pic. Can someone suggest which servo motor would work best with the seiko stw 8/ consew 225 please.
  4. Sorry I dont guess my initial post got through. I have purchased a used seiko stw 8 which I understand is a consew 225. It was sewing when I bought it. Got it home and set up and thought I threaded exactly as it had been and I tried to switch to a longer stitch length. Now its breaking thread and missing stitches. See photo. I changed the lower pulley to a 2" to slow it down but its still too fast. I need help with the threading issue and recommended servo motor. On the lower tension the U shaped spring doesnt seem to come back to its lower position. It seems to stay in its up position. Any help or advice greatly appreciated.
  5. I wasnt able to get photos to upload on my earlier request for help. I think I have that worked out now.
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