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Everything posted by Sylvia

  1. I think it's a good idea. I even tried to free hand one with a swivel knife last night. I got about 1/3 of the way through it and looked at it and went. "wonky" LOL I may try again soon. S
  2. Well, darn, I was hoping your "doohicky" would be one of those.
  3. Well, It was kind of buried... at least for me. I would like to participate, even picked out a snowflake I like... just not sure I could get it done by the end of the month. Are people posting these to a gallery or what? I don't see any examples here.
  4. I've never heard of rope stitch in anything other than embroidery. Do you have a picture?
  5. Well, how did I miss this little gem? I guess I better start scrolling to the bottom of the forum more often.
  6. Do you have a safety skiver? use that and a little sand paper.
  7. Rogue, thanks for sharing this link. That thing is awesome!
  8. Any of these tools look like what you are seeking? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Large-Lot-Cobblers-tools-found-2-Hammers-/270923755291?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f14506f1b
  9. That's funny.... I like it.
  10. Thank you. Yep... standard size is 3/16... BK size is 7/32.
  11. Hi Pete. Can you please measure the shaft of your ceramic blades for me? BK blades are slightly larger than the standard shank.
  12. Thanks Bob. I didn't know Chuck Smith's had a jig that would work. It's nice to know that a pro like you had trouble with "free hand" sharpening of these too. That makes me feel a lot better. Does Chuck Smith's have a website or do I have to call them?
  13. Fantastic Idea Ken.... however, then it wouldn't work for any of the standard shank blades. I might see if I can find another jig and then drill it out to have one of each. Barry is going to send me another blade, a regular style blade. So he is taking good care of me. Apparently, I am one of 2 people who have disliked these hollow ones. It was just ok. It never really felt right. Hey! Who are you calling "older?" LOL I actually have a 30x loop from my gold and jewelry buying days. I use it a lot.... that's how I knew I wasn't getting the angle right. Excellent idea with the marker.
  14. Thanks for the link. I'll check it out and see if it is something we can make with the shop tools we have.
  15. Thanks Tate... I did that too. I can't see or feel the angle. When I think I have the angle and draw it on the stone... and look at the edge... I can see that the angle I got was not the original cut line. Ok, well, I'm going to chalk this up to my being hollow ground blade sharpening challenged and send this blade back... maybe even with the whole dang knife. It's too bad too, I really loved the action of this knife.
  16. Uh huh... that's what I have been doing except... BK blades don't fit the "roller fixture" He makes his shafts on the blades larger then a standard or Tandy blade. I got so dang frustrated I nearly used the darned thing as a dart today. LOL I swore so long and hard... even my ex-sailor husband was shocked. (I rarely say "f-words" when I'm mad) I don't know, I'm not sure this blade is worth the PITA it's causing.
  17. Looks really nice. Just don't get dye on your hands or pants and go sitting on that white chair/couch.
  18. LOL... I guess Sylvia wasn't your first clue. :D "The most dangerous knife is a dull knife" is what my father said. He made sure I knew how to sharpen, hone and strop. And I grew up with knowing to run when he got out his knives to sharpen them... because after he was done shaving the hair off his forearms he got my sister... and headed for me... ha! I did learn though... and I also know his sage sausage recipe... can skin and gut a deer... and can bone it out, cut it up and wrap it. I think that is the reason why I'm so frustrated with this blade.... I should be able to pull a fine edge and it just ain't happening.
  19. Hi Bruce: A few days ago I did call BK and asked Brad is there is a straight blade for these knives. He told me "no, only hollow ground." On the website it even says "All swivel knives are solid brass with a free-spinning bearing design. Each has a hollow ground, heat treated, tool steel blade." Anyway..... Your photo...
  20. That's what I thought... but I'm having problems "finding the angle" I think I'll call Brad tomorrow, express my frustrations and ask to send this thing back, since they don't offer straight blades. Disappointing. Oh and btw Aaron... I am a meat cutters daughter... I know the difference between sharpening and stropping. Thanks though.
  21. You no speaka Russian huh? LOL Translated via Google translator... it says Sorry, but I do not speak angliyski (English) .Tolschina (guessing "child" or Kid) skin 1.5 mm. Glued together in two layers, it came out of 3mm.
  22. I bought myself a Barry King swivel knife and I love it's action but I'm not so fond of the hollow ground blade provided with the knife. I have a hard time stropping it. and can't seem to get the dang thing sharp. Picked up my old old craftool knife with a straight blade, thick as all get out but I can get it sharp and I seem to do better with this old knife than my new one and that !@#!!@#$#$@ hollow ground blade. Please, if there is a secret to getting this hollow ground blade sharp and stropped properly... please let me know. I'm about to send this whole knife back out of sheer frustration with the blade.
  23. You got it. I know there is a wood worker here that does some pretty nice wood trophy style buckles. I think he goes by the "Buckle Guy" Sadly his stuff won't work for my applications. I used to know where there was a craftsman who did Guitar "bling" knobs and what not. But I've not located his site lately. I was thinking of asking him if he could make buckles. Another idea is finding a blacksmith but the cost may be prohibative... unless we can gang up and make a massive order. I did find one manufacturer in RI... but I don't see a listing of their distributors. http://www.philipmachine.com
  24. My Boise Tandy is manned by very nice folks. (pretty rare in my area, actually) I typically order online but when I finally called them, I was surprised to find that when I introduced myself as "Sylvia ," the fellow knew my last name. My city is probably all of 20 minutes from Boise. If I was so inclined I would probably drive there... but I'm not, I just can't stand the traffic in Boise. But who knows maybe someday I will go visit them. I always make sure I praise my local Tandy people... with special instructions like "You Rock!... just thought you should know." So far they have made a huge effort to pick out the best items with which to fill my orders, that they can. I'll have to send them doughnuts someday when I can afford it. All this said... I've emailed a few of the other "online" sources... and the response is sometimes extremely delayed. I've still not heard back from one and I inquired almost 2 weeks ago. (stleather) Even a canned response would be preferable to no response. Sometimes I just don't feel like calling...
  25. Craftool B997 Double beveler is V-shaped.
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