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About saddledoctor

  • Birthday September 26

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  • Location
    Prince George, VA
  • Interests
    leather carving, fabrication, saddle making, repairs, horses, fishing, etc..

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    carving/tooling, fabrication
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  1. Thank you Gunter, I appreciate your feedback. Yesterday I did check on the pattern pack with the Tandy manager of the Richmond, VA store who advised that she did know about it but did not know when it will arrive, Tandy has a protocol to follow before stocking the stores. I do want to purchase their pattern pack to have all the 1911 patterns on hand. I am presently making a copy, for a customer, of the 1918 holster for the Remington model 1911 R1. I made the wood insert for the holster today. I do have a possible contact, maybe two, that can help in making the swivel for the Calvary issue. I will have to run these two guys down to see. Again thank you for your feedback. Bob
  2. One of the things we run into in our repair shop are saddle cleanings with manure and urine removal and stain removal. We apply a good grade of liquid glycerin saddle soap and brush it in with a soft tooth brush creating a good layer of suds. Followed by rinsing it off with clean clear water. While we are rinsing it off we use a Wet-Vac to remove the water and to prevent any of the dirt and or foreign materials returning to the leather. After drying we apply Harness Honey now called Leather Honey oil. If we have a stain problem we first match the color of the saddle on a piece of comparable scrap. Once we match the color we will do a dye blend on the area in need. Applying it on & immediately wiping it off until reaching our gold. As far as your wife, let me know what works so I can try it on my wife.
  3. Exceptionally great work, done in good taste & Quality work.
  4. Thank you for the comments. I am really enjoying leatherworker.net. Everyone is friendly and there is so much talent here in one place. This is GREAT!
  5. Summer of 1999 I attended a English saddle making class where I made my first English saddle. After making Western saddles since 1962 I thought English saddle making would be a breeze. Was I so wrong. It was truly a real challenge, but most rewarding. I made several more English saddles after that. Displaying my handmade English saddles in our show room did give me credibility for English saddle repairs. The class I attended was in Ohio. The school had brought in a saddle master from England to teach the class. Actually this was not a school, it was a English Saddle Supply. The name of this company is: English Saddle Supply Contact Name: Linda Williams Phone: +1 440 298 3018. Fax: +1 440 298 3016. E-mail windmillsaddle@alltel . Linda has made some videos of the class and on saddle repairs. These videos are truly wonderful and you will find them to be affordable. I suspect if she still sell these that they would be on DVD by now. Linda is a very sweet, knowledgeable and a pure pleasure to do business with. She can give you a ton of help and will be a good source for English hardware and top quality billets as well.
  6. I need help. I believe there are several others that would be interested as well. I have a need to make a copy, as close as possible, of a military issued Calvary flap holster for the 1911 Colt 45. The pattern is not my problem, I can reproduce that but my problem is the swivel, I cannot locate a swivel for the replica. Checking all sources for hardware produces nothing. Will Ghormley has a new pattern pack coming out after the the new year which includes the cavalry flap holster pattern. Based on the picture of his pattern an alternate swivel method is being used which includes what looks like a copper rivet. Since I cannot locate the actual swivel, maybe some of you or your sources who make metal / silver conchos could make a plain flat concho w/ screw – back supported with a large washer for the back-side. This would be a better alternate than what is presently available. Any ideas, help would be appreciated. Bobg saddledoctor
  7. I use Weaver for my dome head rivets in brass and copper in assorted sizes. Good luck, I think you can find what you want at Weaver's. I have purchased several different sizes from there to include brass dome head rivets for installing name plates on saddles.
  8. Hi, I am new to Leatherworker.net and I have really enjoyed the site and the people on it.Bob Grove Saddle-Works, est 1962 Prince George, VA Facebook: <A href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/THE-SADDLE-DOCTOR/123709467656216"'>http://www.facebook.com/pages/THE-SADDLE-DOCTOR/123709467656216" target=_blank>http://www.facebook.com/pages/THE-SADDLE-DOCTOR/123709467656216
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