I think Horween is new to the direct-to-consumer business and it shows. They are used to dealing in bulk orders, which is easier for them allows them to negotiate separately for each customer. They didn't set up a channel, thetanneryrow.com, specifically for small orders to shut people up. I think they did it because they're hasn't really been an easy way to buy Horweeen ever, demand for their leather has to be up and they are a business and they want to make money. Direct-to-consumer is definitely a higher margin business albeit smaller proportionately. They see the opportunity, but are failing to execute operationally and fully capitalize. That's my opinion.
I would love to be in charge of thetanneryrow.com business. I think this is a growth opportunity for Horween if it was done correctly.
Matt makes a good point about capacity. I find it unlikely, but it's a possibility. I honestly think they don't know what they are doing in the online world and do not have the resources to devote to it.