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About Bluesman

  • Birthday 01/10/1954

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Fond du Lac, WI
  • Interests
    Anything which gives me a feeling of accomplishment.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Guitar straps, Belts and Football Gear
  • Interested in learning about
    All facets of leather working

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Leatherworker (3/4)

  1. Let me know, I'm interested.
  2. Thanks for the tip JLS. And yes I used Chicago screws. Had some fancy domed top ones.
  3. Thanks all. I used 7/8 for the top, stiffener from Tandy and then 2/3 piggy on the inside. That basket stamp made my arm numb.
  4. Bought a cheap 3 ring binder, ripped out the guts and installed them with Chi Town screws in this.
  5. Something I did a while back and never posted. this was a wedding gift.
  6. If you are going to enter something into the 'Stand Alone Tooled" category. Could the item have an inlay and also some tooling?
  7. My foot is slotted in the front and I still get this wrong.
  8. Thanks I am going to re-calibrate my stitch length. I've seen that video and the guys looses me. He is making adjustments so fast I can't follow what his hands are doing. I do free wheel into the final stitch hole like you said. The problem I have is sometimes it leaves a bottom loop coming out of the final stitch hole. Thanks for the tip.
  9. Okay I read your link Tree Reaper and am still confused. So if you are changing stitch length you need to calibrate with the nut right? Then once forward and reverse match your good to go? I have changed my stitch length on the Cobra 4 and never thought I was messing anything up. But this may explain why my backups stitches don't always line up. Oh and while were on the subject. When you go around a project complete how do you hit the original starting holes coming from the final stitch path. This is really hit and miss with me as well.
  10. Mike I requested to join several days ago. My leather projects are mixed in with my cooking.This is me https://www.facebook.com/jon.todryk
  11. Oh boy I gotta have that now.......................... Just called Danny. He had one he made for someone who turned it down. I will have it Wednesday.....................
  12. Thanks I downloaded a Chan wallet book.
  13. I just took an order for a biker wallet and a matching belt. He wants a floral design on both with initials on the wallet and full name on the belt.Went to Tandy and picked up some Sheridan craftaids. The belt will work but the only thing they had that I thought would work were corners and they are to large for the wallet. They do have a standard wallet craftaid but the open area were the initials go is too small. He wants the initials BIG. Thanks, Jon
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